Friday, March 16, 2007

80s Song of the Week - A-HA "Take on Me"

Oh, how I ADORED this video in my teens!!! I think it is so innovative and creative - even by today's technological standards in video-making. This first hit by the Norwegian trio, A-HA, was a massive hit in the early 1980s with a simply perfect video that was way ahead of its time!

I remember being a romantic teen and reveling in the wonderful, creative, story line in this video with parts of it drawn like a cartoon as it tells the romantic story of a young, unfulfilled gal reading a comic book which turns into reality when the lead singer and hero of the book invites her into his dream-like cartoon world. (I ate the romance of this right up, let me tell you!) And my young heart would break that they could only see each other as real humans (not cartoon drawings) when on either side of a mirror. Of course, the antagonists show up, break the mirror and harm our handsome, boy-faced hero as he sacrifices himself to let the girl escape back to reality before they miraculously are reunited again at the end. ISN'T IT ALL DELICIOUS??!!

I just love, LoVe, LOVE it!! :)

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