Cheengow - this baby opossum appeared a couple weeks ago chomping Fred and Jordy's food - INSIDE the house, ya'll!!!!
He easily entered through the open doggy/kitty door that Patrick made by taking out a glass pane in the backdoor that leads out to the tiny patio where Fred does his business.

So, tonite while alone with Jordy-the-cat and Fred-the-Basset-Hound (Patrick took Ciara to Magic Mountain while I have to stay and work all weekend as usual), I kept hearing that little sucker enter in and crack away at the food. But every time I got up he'd run out the door. I finally after the 3rd time getting up, lifted the 20 pound CostCo bag of dog food that was on the floor, rolled the open top portion of paper down very tightly to keep it fresh and hoisted the whole heavy thing onto the table top where the little beggar couldn't reach it.
3 minutes later Jordy came downstairs to snack on his food and suddenly came bolting out of the kitchen. I then heard what scared him: I had unbeknowest trapped the fella INSIDE the dog food bag!!
"Crap!" I shouted and scolded Fred and Jordy, "You both are worthless!" I carefully took the bag back down to the floor, every time I'd touch it the little guy would freeze and stop moving inside. But I knew he was in there - somewhere suffocating in 20 pounds of dog food!! I then kicked the bag over on it's side with the opening of the bag facing the doggy door so he could make an escape.
Needless to say the little guy was scared to death probably, and was still trapped since I had so tightly rolled down the excess paper at the bag opening. SHOOT! I got the end of the broom to try and stick it in that rolled up part - I didn't want to bend down in front of it and 1) risk blocking his escape route out the door and 2) if I knelt in front of it and used my hands to open the bag he'd probably jump right into my face with claws extended!!!
So I used the end of the broom stick and kept trying to pry it open and finally got it open so he could run out. Which of course he did ...not. I finally had to keep whacking the bag to scare him out of there - and he FINALLY after about 5 minutes ran out and straight out the door.
I phoned Patrick to tell him of my stressful ordeal. I also informed him that he ain't a baby and cute anymore, but bigger and blacker and more rodent-looking. Shoot - maybe it was the daddy....
I’ve got to tell you, my first thought when I read your headline and saw the picture was that you got a ferret! I was actually slightly relieved to then read you were having problems with an opossum, but now I am really concerned. It’s a slippery slope from what you think is one opossum to more opossums and other critters. My Mom, a bona fide, card-carrying “crazy cat woman,” feeds her cats in the garage and leaves an opening for them to come and go. So for the last few years, that also means she feeds opossums, raccoons, and skunks. And she has picked up at least one or two more cats in the process. Her dog was skunked 3 or 4 times in one summer! You do not want to be alone in the house when Jordy or Fred get skunked. (But if you do, my Mom knows a bunch of home bath remedies, so I’ll give you her number. ;) ) Unlike opossums, raccoons are aggressive, attack cats, and carry disease. And that cute little opossum that you think has become “all growed up?” Yes, you’re right on. You’re also feeding a family member. Time to close that pet door!
oh, yes - I told Patrick that they have large litters akin to cats and puppies. So if there is one, there are more! I'm also a bonafide card-carrying crazy cat lady (well, at least it looks like I might not be a single spinster my whole life he he he). We also grew up feeding our cats and about 10 strays, raccoons and skunks at my parents' garage - ha ha ha. My old place had a mean raccoon with 3 babies that would come eat Jordy's food - I knew those were really mean and tried to keep Jordy from being curious. I also know that we have a skunk family living under the house next door to us. I see them come out at night and am shocked I have yet to smell them spray anyone yet. Such is life :)
Too friggin' funny! - D
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