Sunday, January 07, 2007

Idle and Wild in Idyllwild, CA

I am glad to say we all made it back in 1 piece after spending the weekend in San Bernadino Mountains. This was the 2nd time my immediate family of 20 has attempted a family getaway. The last time was about 5 years ago. Then, we had 3 babies and Olivia wasn't even born yet. Now we had a bunch of kids ready to play!
We rented and stayed in 1 large house that slept all of us somehow (I did take the couch though). We ate a lot and played games, my dad laughed through the movie, "Nacho Libre" and we played a lot in the snow. The kids loved it! We sledded on the slopes right outside our door. I even sledded a couple times - it was my first time! My sister, Sylvia, said I screamed an operatic high-pitched note as I slid down the hill with my long legs stopping me at the bottom. My nephews were christianed the new "Eval Kanevil" as they flew and jumped and slid on their knees like stuntmen. Of course a couple times some tears were shed when they hit trees (I'm just glad I wasn't one...) Nieces Ariela and Olivia were not to be outdone by the bigger boys and by the 2nd day were sliding down the big slope as well. It was so nice to see them all play and enjoy themselves in such clean fun in Mother Nature - and they had a blast having a snowball fight against the grown ups!
Such a lovely time with tons of food and laughing and further enjoying our great, large, loving family. We are all truly blessed!

click on slideshow!


Anonymous said...

Great writeup other than forgetting to mention Ilysah as one of the girl cousins. -G

Elsa Martinez said...

Gabo - you Foo! I didn't forget to mention Ilysah, i was specifically referring to the girls trying to be daredevils like the boys. Ilysah and Isaiah were smart enough to have fun but be a little more conservative with it. And she is featured in the web album!