Saturday, December 23, 2006

Hash Run a Go-Go

Patrick has a friend, Sarah, who had been invited him for a year to try out her running group that does "Hashes". He and I didn't even know what a Hash was. Well, he went first and had a great time - calling me up at the bar downtown that they all ended up at at the end of the run. Yes - you heard that correctly. They end up at a bar! Basically there is an international hashing society but I have run my entire life and have never heard of the phenomenom. I ended up going the next time with Patrick and I must admit the whole idea of it is very interesting. Basically, a trail is laid out by some 'hares' and then later the rest of the group has to follow the clues laid out in order to get to their destination.

Now the interesting part lies in the clues (they could just be spots of flour thrown on the ground or signs left up). Also, the clues can lead to fake, incorrect trails (the little beggars)that make you get lost and you have to retrack your steps. Another thing to keep in mind is that the trails aren't easy. We had to run in mud, climb fences, go through dark, bat-infested tunnels, wade through hip-deep (yes: HIP DEEP) murky water in a tunnel that we prayed didn't give us some infectious disease and finally we ended up at a bar - where they promptly hazed us as 'virgins'. Now, I admit the bar and drinking beer part at the end of it I could care less for since I don't drink beer, but it certainly was a different take on my normal running routine and plenty of fun - that little bit about the water and bat-infested tunnel usually does NOT happen - we just happened to randomly run on the hardest Hash trail of the year. (Just my luck). For more information check out

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