Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Flight of the Conchords Unplugged

My boyfriends Brett and Jemaine (no 'r' - he isn't African-American) AKA known as the Kiwi duo "The Flight of the Conchords" came to visit and play for me in San Diego tonite at UCSD.

I decided to allow a few hundred of my other friends and a few hundred more of THEIR friends to fill up the Rimac Arena - you know, just so my boyfriends would feel the love even more.

I have written about these boys before. Patrick and I had discovered them on HBO and instantly became fans. (see my previous blog about them here)

Quirky, handsome, deadpan humour - these boys are so funny it hurt. But as good as they are comically playing off each other, and with such an intelligent wit -that is so sexy to me - so much more than most stand up comediennes - I also want to point out that they really are pretty darn good musicians. Playing several different instruments and singing - Jemaine, especially - with his natural bass low speaking voice can sing all the way to a high falsetto range that is so good and believable it's funny. Think Prince - Prince does that too. (But he black).

Opening with "Too many dicks on the dance floor" the crowd went crazy - - and ending with me and several others yelling in request the Bowie song - the night was fantastic and well-worth it.

Cheers, boys -

I leave the rest of you with their show-stopping "Sugar Lumps" much different played acoustically in concert - but you catch their drift. The boys lost it on stage - going nuts, jumping into the crowd, and pointing and gyrating to their sugarlumps - some woman lost it and took her top off exposing herself and running to Brett onstage - - (er umm.. she was one of my friends' friends)... ;P

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