I am sure everyone remembers where they were on 9-11 of 2001.
I remember clearly I was in-between apartments at that time and was staying at my parents' house. I was up early getting ready for teaching when the phone rang. I heard my mother answer it and say in a concerned voice I rarely have heard uttered from her, "Ohhhhhh..okay, okay we will turn it on. It will be okay, Sweetheart." I knew it was family from that tone of concern and I immediately was by her side to inquire what happened and which sibling of mine had called.
It was Sara and she told us we were under attack. My parents and I ran upstairs to the television and turned it on to see the billowing smoke and the new images of the 2nd plane that had also impacted. It was a sight so extraordinary and frightening. I thought immediately of my actor friends in NYC and called up those whose numbers I had. Some answered, some didn't, although all would check-in eventually throughout the next couple days, gracias a Dios.
My heart was in my throat as I knew I had to go to work and only had minutes to watch the TV. I quickly called up my boyfriend at the time. Mark, a freelance writer and editor, tended to sleep in after staying up late writing. I knew he was unaware of the Twin Towers attack or he would have already called me. He answered drowsily at my calling him so early in the day -- "Is everything okay, Babe?" he asked with confusion. The tears fell, unchecked as I sobbed and somehow choked out, "No, Mark - New York..has been attacked by terrorists - many have been killed - turn on your TV. I will call you back." It was better for him just to watch it and hear the news reports as I was sobbing by then and didn't know much myself.
I remember the couple first images of people with no other recourse than to jump to their deaths. The first was a business woman, literally straddling a blown out window. They were able to zoom in so much on her that one could clearly see her brunette hair and color of suit. Suddenly she jumped out. The camera pulled back and panned her almost the entire way down. It is needless to say that is a very long time to pan down. I remember gasping in disbelief at what I had seen and very aware that people who knew her could have recognized her. Luckily, they stopped showing those images very shortly on the news as someone high up must have deemed them too much to bear.
I'll say....
I went to work that day with the administration huddled around the lone TV in the teacher's lounge. Many teachers didn't come in that day and it was a bit stressful and confusing. NOBODY wanted to be there. People were even scared that our military town of San Diego would get attacked. Many people just wanted to be home where it was safe with loved ones. The jr high students didn't really have a clue as to the magnitude. In fact, true -to-youth they seemed more excited to gossip excitedly at it and describe the blast, the violence, the images...
Mark later told me he stayed glued to his Black and White, bunny ear antennae TV for the next 10 hours straight.
I would have done the same, had I been able to.
In memory of this
9-year anniversary, I felt compelled to note my memory of that fateful morning. As many have said since then, "We cannot forget." We cannot forget that day and how many it affected. My prayers and thoughts go this day with anyone affected first-hand..and for our troops whom fight overseas as we speak - - almost ten years later.
God Bless America.