Friday, January 28, 2011

I heart Groupon

I just got turned onto Groupon - - I never thought I would use it. But early this week a deal came on for a month of unlimited Bikram Yoga sessions in La Jolla for only $39. I immediately jumped on it and told my husband as well. When I first met him he used to be a regular yogi and looked yummy healthy. He got me into it for only about a month before I realized I just can't afford it and dedicate the timeframe needed for it. It is a 1.5 hour class and you have to get there early to ensure a spot and then stay after waiting to take a shower since it is practiced in some serious heat. So you dedicate about 3 hours to it - more than that, I think, since this particular studio is far away in La Jolla from where we live. I don't mind dedicating 2 hours to the nearby 24HourFitness but 3 hours plus daily is a lot of time away from home, family, my animals and more..
That said, the deal was too good to pass up and, being my first Groupon purchase, I got $10 off so mine was only $29. I plan to go 5 times a week if not more and that means for 1 month I am paying only about $1.50 or so per class. To get an idea one class is usually about $15. Es una Ganga! A TOTAL STEAL!

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