Monday, September 12, 2011

Northern California Summer Road Trip!

Patrick took a week off work in early July so that we may take a road trip to Northern California. Neither of us had been north of the Bay Area so we were quite anxious to see more of our beautiful Golden State. There wasn't much of a plan outside of the first day driving straight up to the Bay Area where we spent a wonderful evening at the home of my dear cousin, Maddy, her baby boy and her gazillion cats - - she has 4 cats of her own but outside she traps to fix and feed ferrel cats. (heheh and you all thought I was a crazy Cat Lady).
After a relaxing time at Maddy's we left the next day to have lunch and visit Patrick's 91 year old 2nd cousin Dick. This is the 2nd time I've enjoyed visiting with him and it is just a joy to hear his family stories, see how meticulously keeps photograph records and what not. I told him that he should leave all those photos to Patrick as he is worried what will happen to them. I do hope that he does. All those stories he tells us are just wonderful and will one day just be forgotten if not passed down.
He showed us his music room which he hadn't on our previous visit. I couldn't believe he pushed me aside and started playing some old ragtime tunes - challenging, because the left hand (or bass line) jumps back and forth. God bless him - what a show!

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