Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Day 2 - Death Valley - Photo Shoot

Alas, after a superb evening under the stars in our own world, Patrick woke up around 6am to set out once again to take early morning pictures of the racing rocks. The lighting is pristine at sunrise. I, unfortunately, was so tired that I did not join him - I hadn't slept well in the back of P's Honda Element - - I had nightmares all night about crazy inbred people or aliens lurking outside of our car while we were in the middle of nowhere.

An hour later he returned as I was blinking in the sunlight shocked to see that 4 more cars had joined us in the last hour - also full of photographers trying to catch the pinkish morning light. We chatted with an east Indian man who was traveling alone and said he had set off at 4am from the closest campsite within the park to get to the Racetrack Playa on time to get good light for his pictures. Boy, were we glad that we came out the night before and spent the entire night there with the place to ourselves!
We fired up our camping stove and made some eggs and hashbrowns, got dressed and did a little impromptu photoshoot (YES, DIANA, those are high heels I have on in the middle of the desert of Death Valley hehehhe). It was extremely bright (in fact, the lighting was too harsh and made my eyes water) but we were intrigued taking some shots in the vast expanse of the cracked Playa terrain and the large Grandstand rock formations as background. As the saying goes, "All the world is a stage!"
Click on slideshow below!
Death Valley - Racetrack Playa

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