I am filing a major complaint with NBC network television as well as all the stations- - WHERE are the horse competitions???! I even am paying extra mula (a whopping $5) to our cable package to get the Olympics - and I have YET to see an equestrian event.
For those who know me - I grew up owning and competing my gray Arabian gelding, Torino, shared with my sister Sara. I am still a huge horsey fan and it is with major disappointment I haven't been able to view any events yet.
This year, especially - is noteworthy for the oldest-competing Olympian is an equestrian - Hoketsu, aged 67, from Japan - see picture above of him astride his mare, "Whisper." Hoketsu has played down the fuss about him competing at 67 although he has referred to himself as "the hope for old men". Work it out!
Also, the first professional black horseman, from Brazil is also competing - in this traditionally 'affluent white-man's sport'.
But aside from it all, is just the utter beauty of Dressage (rhymes with massage) - which is essentially ballet for horses. Admirably, my beau Patrick used to compete in Dressage on his horse, Sam, as a kid back in Ireland. Although I rode a good 10 years, I never got to learn this true art on horseback. It is extremely focused and difficult to train a horse in Dressage - and I adore watching it.
Aside from that is the show-jumping - another sport Patrick partook in, and the cross-country show jumping. Owning an Arabian breed of horse - they do not tend to be natural jumpers, such as Thoroughbreds, so my sister and I didn't partake much in these events but focused on what we and our horse were trained specifically in.
Still, I get a rush watching it on TV and can honestly remember and feel what it is like to have a massive animal underneath you that you somehow have earned its trust and respect so that he performs for you and with you. For a horse can show a man that, in comparison, he is very, very small and weak. It is amazing how well-trained and focused these animal athletes are!
Youtube, I am praying you will be my salvation....
Ummm... E, I think you need to refine your google search! Most equestrian events will be on the Oxygen network. Did you already see this and didn't think it was enough coverage? I found this link:
Although the Oxygen network's own web site is lousy, fans are posting links and schedules left and right on other sites. And I actually saw an early equestrian round on the regular NBC morning broadcast earlier this week.
IMHO, with all the alternate channels under the NBC family and online coverage to boot, this year seems to be one of the best ever to see your favorite events.
hot dog! You are swell!
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