Tis true! Tis True! We eloped and made it official!!
I am now a "Mrs.", "Missus", "Ma'am". I am officially NO longer an "old maid", "spinster" or "crazy Cat-lady" - - okay, okay - my friends say I still hold on to that last moniker.
Back from Ireland I found myself with a lot on my plate dealing with my back injury, working overtime, my horrible boss.. I wished we had been able to come back legally married from Ireland but it wasn't legal yet. We had to still do a civil ceremony in the States. And I was stressed out picking the date for our ceremony here.
Ugh. Even Patrick was pressuring me for it.
The Truth was: I just wanted to be married to this man.
Now. And so did he. But I was dragging my feet dealing with my physical pain and my awful boss. Also, I was trying to plan around some VIPs in my life who are getting married themselves or having babies.
I was...in a word: overwhelmed.
And then, I woke up 2 Wednesday mornings ago and told Patrick, "Let's just go to Vegas this weekend. I cannot wait a few more months."
"Absolutely," was his game answer.
And that was that.

We didn't tell anyone, until the drive up. Then the happy/teary phone calls were made (stay tuned for the video log to be uploaded on here). Ahhhhh... I love my family very much. And I remain grateful for their support and patience at their youngest sister and daughter being unconventional enough to not want the traditional wedding with a white bridal gown and all that lovely stuff that goes with it.
Does my immediate family probably feel that they missed out not being there? Lamentably, yes. But those who know me know it was
never about the bridal gown and flowers and hotel for me. I would have married Patrick anywhere just as long as I came home that weekend with the pride and humility of being his wife and partner.
Just for kicks tidbits: I had told my mom and my Aunty Nora at breakfast the day after my first date with Patrick 3.5 years ago that I was going to marry him. (My mom almost keeled over hehehe).
But I was right. Hahahah, mama, I was right!
Also, it just tickles me that
of course, I would marry someone from another country/continent - - I have been enamored of foreign people, lands and languages since a child and am a self-described 'Europhile'. Sigh - it is just so fitting. And I can't WAIT to get my Euro passport!! Whew hew!!
What a wonderful year for my family and friends - babies, weddings, world travels and more! We are truly and so magnificently blessed :)
Cheers to my dedicated new husband, Patrick. I love you with all the pain and beauty that makes up my soul.
And finally: I am so grateful to God. So humbled...
Editor's Note ** - - And, yes, now that I am legally wed, and have had the Catholic ceremony in Ireland - all the pressure is off and we will be having the Big Reception soon - are you kidding me???? I ain't no 'Spring Chicken' but I have always known how to host a great party!!
Click below for Vegas slideshow: