Friday, April 02, 2010

"Air" spec music video

So last Sunday I spent an incredibly hot day at a great abandoned warehouse in Long Beach shooting a spec music video.
The casting notice had caught my attention because it was featuring the music of French band, "Air" - whose dreamy music I love. Also, the director had stated it would be shot on 35mm (yes! great quality film!) and shot in the vein of "Amelie" - one of my top 5 favorite films ever.

The shoot was 2 days, although the fantasy sequence with the gals was only shot on Sunday. I love just being on a set studying what every single person has to do to colloborate and make even a small few-minute video happen. It was a very hot, long day - but great, funny people to work with - gracias!

I will obviously post the real thing when I get the finished product, but until then enjoy the youtube videos of our spectacular dance break and click on the slideshow below for pictures from the set.
"Air" spec video

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