My always-dependable high school beau Joey picked me up so we could chat driving downtown. We both left our spouses at home. The truth is, although my Patrick initially wanted to go to see an American high school reunion, spouses are - for the most part- bored out of their minds at these things. So I made the executive decision that at $80 a ticket he could stay home. :)
Well, it was a WONDERFUL time - - it really amazes me how it's been 20 years since some of my peers and I have seen each other. Some I saw at the 10-year but there were a handful that didn't make that one. This party blew the other away. And I love that it was organized by 4 sweet, nerdy school pals. They really threw a great party! Everyone agreed it was very successful. And so much fun to see everyone!
Some fun moments? I did see a couple new enhanced gals working it out, I got hit on by the newly single star athlete who came out 10 years ago - I kept insisting I wasn't drinking and she kept insisting she wanted to buy me a drink. Heck, I didn't even let her get me a water for fear of her slipping a roofie in it. (I am kidding - sort of).
I was apologized to by my single biggest bully from 7-10th grade - until I got very recognized for my singing talent and just didn't care anymore about her and she stopped. That was nice to hear her say, "You know--- I wasn't really nice to you for a while there, was I, Elsa? I'm sorry - - I'm not like that anymore.." That makes 2 people who as adults apologized for hurting my feelings and saying awful things there for a while when we were kids. Not too shabby.
Other interesting moments? Well, Brian's very blond wife drank so much that a foot away from me as I was approaching him to say hi she went down - - Hard. Blacked out for almost 10 minutes, they had EMTs on the floor with her. I am just surprised at this age that people don't know their limits. It really was an unsettling scene there for a bit. And I never did get to talk to Brian after that.
A great highlight was our idea to shoot a picture of those of us from Ella B. Allen School (elementary). To think I've known those kids since kindergarten about 30 years ago and played at their houses just blows my mind! I am so proud of all of us and so thrilled to spread the Allen-School Love.
Other highlights are unmentionable - just worth noting that it's interesting to be the only one sober there and hear some of the things said to me by not-so-sober peers. I may have the Gift to Gab but I don't divulge things said by others that may be regretted. :)
Lastly, is it worth mentioning how I am in the absolute minority not having kids and just barely getting married??? I had a lot of quick conversations with a some peers on marriage number 2 and telling me of their kids in Jr High and some - even HIGH SCHOOL already!! HOLY FRIJOLES!!! Everyone thought my life is so neat and spontaneous - and it is - - but I felt compelled to tell them that I gave up having a normal life, husband, money and kids because of my pursuing an artistic career. I guess they feel the 'grass is greener'.
To the few who are not with us anymore - - my heart and prayers go out to them, their families, their kids - - it saddens me that they passed away so young. I will say it again: we are so blessed to be alive and have our health. Truly blessed.
Many, many cheers to Beth, Kelila, Mike and Ron for throwing a radical party!
I was so jetlagged that my eyes were burning and my legs were shaking but I had such a special time.
Enjoy the slideshow below!
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BVH 20-Year Reunion |
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