Friday, October 20, 2006

Padraig go Bragh!

You know, Life sometimes can be interesting. It can play tricks and it can turn on you. The Truth is: I have always been a huge believer that God has a plan for all of us. It's a great way to have perspective on Life's twists. (And it certainly has made me accept the good and the bad that has occurred in my life). I always said things will drop in one's lap when you least expect - so stop looking!

I am not shy. I work very social jobs. I meet a lot of people. I am a real people person and have perfected being able to approach and talk to anyone. But, no doubt about it: I am not a kid anymore and I have been around the block. When it comes to men I decided at this point I knew I was pretty cynical (which has come to look a lot like Wisdom as I get older). Now, don't get me wrong - I have dated a couple lovely chaps in long-term relationships - and I think I'd be pretty good in a debate about not getting married until you've reached your 30s and HAVE dated more than 1 man - but I digress.

For 6 months now I have had the blessing and curses of falling for an Irishman with merry eyes. Why is it a blessing and a curse? Because, my friends - Love is very hard for a stubborn, creative, passionate and utterly unconventional woman like me. As much as I have to offer (how could I NOT, with the family that has raised me??) I have already put this lad through the ringer.

And you know what? He has forgiven and he has accepted. He once acknowledged to me, "It's because you have so much to give..." You've no idea what at this age and time in my life it means to me for someone to recognize my strength!

For the first time I have pictured myself with a life partner. For the first time I have met someone so wonderfully unique yet, conventional; challenging, yet, supportive.

He is responsible for some of my recent changes - without a doubt. Alas, he is also responsible for my being Happy and planning for a somewhat conventional future for the first time in my adult life.

Meet Patrick...


Patrick said...

Who is this guy?? ;)

Elsa Martinez said...

ha ha, very funny, P...:)~

Elsa Martinez said...
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Elsa Martinez said...

ps - you've only to read the blog to know exactly who that gorgeous, quirky hunk of punk and metrosexuality is!!