The bad news today was upon returning to my house a bee from the hive that made it's nest on the inner corner of my 2nd story roof stung the dickens out of me - "OWWWW!" Not a nice welcome home, if you ask me! Shoot, I haven't been stung by a bee but once when I was a little girl, and had no recollection as to how much it really hurt as I felt the poison quickly spread throughout my forearm. It's a good half hour later and only now bearable. Patrick has been telling me for a year now that I need to stop risking chances with that hive and only now am I going to be serious about calling the keepers to come and take it away since they are obviously in attack mode or have been infested by the killer bees from South America!! The good news: E is back from Ireland, and full of stories and pictures coming soon :)
1 comment:
Sorry about the bee sting. Glad you're back. Looking forward to your pics and stories. I'll e-mail you soon, D
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