'Tis the End of an Era, my friends.
Alas, Mark Hiss, my ex-boyfriend of several years in my 20s (and for those who know me - they were QUITE a doozy) is all grown up. Happily for his girlfriend, Stacey, who moved to a new job in San Francisco 6 months ago, Mark put his foot down and declared, "That is just TOO long distance even for me!" And therefore is leaving his 1972 Carmengia and Aerostar family van (fondly known as the "Mother Ship) behind and heading to Northern Cal where he can rely solely on his bike and public transportation.

Mark - a wonderfully unique, dapper and intelligent gay-straight man has not co-habitated with anyone (male or female) since his marriage 18 years ago. (whew - how OLD did I say he was??!)

Thus I personally know this is a MASSIVE step for him to move up there and join his rock n roll singing concubine.

That said I know that he will be fantastic in San Fran. Full of like-minded Liberals, and creative-types: the men will adore him and the women will admire his wit. Another plus- he is able as a freelance writer to work anywhere as long as he has his computer. A no-brainer, huh?? And I'm STILL waiting, by the way, for the novel that he began with a character based on me.

Being on his coveted Short List of Favorite San Diegans (and after doing PR and writing for decades here he knows more than a truckload of peeps in SD) - I was invited to join his farewell dinner with some of his closest friends last week in Hillcrest. It was a lovely time seeing some old friends of his that I haven't seen now for at least 5 years - especially the coquettish and witty Stephanie Steiner, the always positive and giddy Lisa Baker and the indescribably unique Kevin Six.
Best wishes and mucha suerte - you certainly made your "mark" (he has always been into word play) on the theater, tourism and art worlds here in little San Diego. Your toss of the curls as you turn your nose up to scoff will most certainly be missed :)
Stephanie Steiner - as in the woman who worked at the Rep years ago? I haven't heard from her in AGES. Congrats to Mark.
yup - she got married 2 years ago to her long-time boyfriend and her daughter is now 20!!!
I'm honored. Too bad the photos disappeared -- would
have liked to have seen them.
So I'm here safe and sound, working from my new home
office and loving it. Still have lots of organizing to
do, but it's coming along.
RIP, Luciano.
Elsa! I feel so coquetish and witty, especially now that I've found your blog. Yay, Sunday morning preventive google surfing! :)
Time for more martinis???
isn't your bday coming up?
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