Sometimes I cry at the injustice of it all...
So I don't really feel like writing for a bit (hell, it's better than my other option that Patrick talked me out of) - which was to delete my blog completely. But, after all my hard work posting my journal memories and photos I decided not to do that but to take a break for a bit. (The good thing is that the spiteful old cats out there who read this won't be able to keep abreast of my unconventional life.)
Gracias por leer - thank you for reading this whole time. Like I've mentioned before: this blog was not meant to entertain the masses. It has been more a journal of my thoughts, life and travels more than anything. It's just in a different format than the many, many pages of the previous journals I have written since being 14 years old. If no one read this, I could care less. It was for me more than anyone else in the world. But those who learned anything, or liked looking at my travel pics or know me and wanted to keep track of me - I say: cheers!
I will keep standing firm on this stony ground.
Hasta pronto...
God Bless -
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