Saturday, December 08, 2007

Road Trip - continued (Salton Sea)

After visiting "Salvation Mountain", we headed a half hour away to the Salton Sea and Bombay Beach. We had been there previously last spring (see blog here), but P really wanted to get some more shots again, so we took that detour.

Unlike last time, it wasn't hot nor was present the putrid rotting stench. We went back to the exact same spot at Bombay Beach and then moved on to Mecca Beach where there was a cool, abandoned motel and empty pool.
It still never ceases to amaze me that even that early in the morning we were not alone - other photographers were there as well. And the whole place still gives off the cool, but erie feel of a ghost town or David Lynch movie-set. I've heard rumours that they are going to try to spend a lot of money to clean it all up and give it a 2nd life as a holiday, weekend and water resort akin to its hey-day in the 50s and 60s. They have a lot of work to do... :)
click on slideshow below for more pics!
Salton Sea, CA

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