Tuesday, November 17, 2009


 Let me preface this by saying I have pretty much my entire life been known to be a goody-goody. And so here I am minding my own business - - eeking out for years a career in the Performing Arts: acting, singing, dancing and modeling - - when all of the sudden today I find out I am - - - BUSTED!!!

Okay, San Diego - - evidently I owe you all a HUGE apology.

In my being booked on a certain job for several hours, I evidently have swindled San Diego tax payers out of several hundred dollars.

And people are MAD about it.

Not only mad, but an article was published with proof of the accompanying photo shoot all the while lambasting my good name in BOLD LETTERS!
I feel badly but is it awful that a teeny weeny part of me also think it's hilarious?? I mean, is this going on my record? When you google me you can find the article. Will this affect future employment???

I AM SORRY, San Diego - so sorry!!!! But pick on girls doing horrible things in our community and truly draining our tax dollars - - don't get mad at me who beat out a hundred or so other models at a legitimate audition to book the job fair-and-squarely. How was I to know it wasn't on the up-and-up between those in charge and paying me (my check came through okay by the way).

I will be writing a retraction to the article soon. Not all the facts presented are correct. (I guarantee you the photographer made more than me - - as he should!) And I think it vastly unfair that mine was the only name mentioned - not the photographer, not the makeup artist, nor my agency. HAHAHAHA - just yours truly. So much for seeing 'my name in lights'. Stay tuned - - either they print up my two cents about it or the next pictures on this blog will be of me in the pokey!!

To 'scoop the poop' click below- -

Monday, November 16, 2009

Adams Avenue Street Fair 2009

I love living in this area. Don't get me wrong, growing up in Bonita, San Diego was lovely in the 70s and 80s - total horse country and rural. Now it has been so built around that the traffic is awful with Starbucks on every corner. After college in Orange County and some time pursuing acting in Los Angeles I have pretty much as an adult lived in certain parts of San Diego: gay Hillcrest, or neighboring Mission Hills, Kensington or North Park.

Here in North Park it is becoming even more up and coming to live in as Hillcrest is just too crowded. With the influx of more gay men moving here we are seeing better restaurants and lounge bars with that low mood lighting that I just love. Walking to the dog-friendly coffee shops is a staple for local artists to perform in. And another fabulous thing are the street fairs that occur a few times a year. Just perfect for live-music lovers and street photographers like Patrick and I!

Last September we walked around the very hot but lively Adams Avenue Street Fair. One of the largest free music street fairs in California, it has over 70 live music acts on 6 stages, three beer gardens, Giant Carnival rides and 300 hundred craft & food vendors.

One of our local favorite bands, Red Pony Clock was performing so we shot pics to send to the band. They warrant a blog later, so I won't give up too much on them now except that they are a great time and unique!

We had only been married a week when we went to this fair and I remember almost dropping with pride when Patrick yearned for a cold beer at Ye Ould Sod pub, and so we decided to drop in. I, however, had forgotten my ID and Patrick told the bouncer, "My wife left her ID at home, she isn't having any alcohol, can she still come in?"

Well, we weren't allowed in without it, but it didn't matter. Because it was the first time I heard Patrick call me 'his wife' in public and hearing it uttered on his curved lips just made my day!

Enjoy the slide show below!
Adams Avenue Street Fair 2009

September Living

Yes. You read correctly. This blog and it's pictures figure from our North Park life in September. Although we are now in November. At least I got the "ember" right....

Click on slideshow below:
September Living 2009

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

"Fashion Hits a High Note"

I commented to Patrick lately that I am almost stressed out about how back=blogged I am on here. Especially in posting photo blogs on here and my picassa which is what I am using this blog for more than anything nowadays.

So, with that - PULEEASE forgive me barely posting things from months, maybe even years ago on here. I want it done!

This blog is about a fashion show I did last May - that was extra FANTABULOUS for me - - not only because the clothes and styling were exquisite and retro but because it benefited and took place on the beautiful San Diego Lyric Opera's stage at the Birch Theater in North Park. To model and do my thing in front of tons of theater and opera folk who know me for my voice and acting talents was a treat!Taken below is a press excerpt and photos are by Will Parsons. Wonderful!

Lyric Opera San Diego and Leonard Simpson presented “Fashion Hits a High Note” on Thursday, May 14 at the Birch North Park Theatre. The evening celebrated 30 years of Lyric Opera San Diego and the venue’s 80th year. Guests arrived on a red carpet that led into this beautifully remodeled theater, originally a movie house. This elegant event began with a delightful social hour and a fabulous silent auction with must-have items.

While Simpson, of Fashion Forward, produced the show. He is known for his high-tech runway shows and his drama. This show had one high note after another, combining fashion, singing and dancing.
The runway was not the typical catwalk. The models came out onto the stage and took turns walking down the left and right stairs into the aisles, showing off their stylish fashions. The highlight of the evening was a segment in which all the male models took off their shirts—the audience went wild. Lyric Opera San Diego brings in opera and musical theater productions with live orchestras and talented singers. Its mission is to create a vehicle in which young professionals can hone their craft alongside established artists.

Click on Slideshow below for more!
"Fashion Hits A High Note"

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The Pain, er Beauty of new Headshots

I am a professional, union Actress.

I have worked professionally mostly in theater and commercials, with a bit of indie film and TV work.

The last 4 years I have concentrated more on modeling and my classical singing but I am excited to be pursuing more acting work again - read: E got married and wants to buy her man a Canon 5D Mark II Digital or a new Leica Camera. And, heck, I may even get myself an Arabian horse :)

I lived in LA 10 years ago and wow, how much I've grown up since then. I was so green, and I am not just meaning that I went up there as a non-union performer. I was naive in many things about life. I am excited and thankful to my new husband who is supporting my giving it another go up there. I've always known and said that dating an artist-type can be very difficult. Now I'm married to a man who knows zero of the Industry - - but I almost feel that is in our favor.

I realized I needed new headshots. My last ones are about 5 or 6 years old and in black and white - - - oh ho ho, Hollywood does it in color now.

So, a couple weeks ago I went to shoot at www.armenasadarian.com for my new Los Angeles and Orange County agents. And, yes, I am keeping my beloved San Diego Model Management agency of 11 years, meanwhile, as they love me and I work steadily here with them).

But good Lord: headshots.

I hate shooting headshots.

Headshots are your calling card. Casting directors see thousands of these and yours needs to stand out saying SOMETHING that makes them want to call you in and meet you or have you read. (And, NO - - it doesn't have to scream "look at my big boobs" or "I am the prettiest or sexiest one out there"). Que va. They can say, "I'm cool" or 'quirky' or 'intelligent' or 'mysterious' -- they just need to say SOMETHING.

Think about it. Hollywood, especially in commercials -which is what I have the best experience and personality for - - has a need for ALL types. That means not just young, pretty and plastic - although certainly it needs that, too. It also needs 'normal' folk, all ethnicities and all ages. This is great for me - as I am ethnically ambiguous and can play a large age range still.

So...pictures. Now, throughout the years I have really learned to model in front of a camera. I can say it - this big-eyed, curvy, 5'9, 37 year old who started modeling at the ancient age of 26 - can pull off editorial and commercial pictures.

BUT that is modeling.

THIS is about acting headshots.

It's a horse of a different color, my kiddies ;)

My entire career casting directors and agents have called me in and looked me in real life and commented, "Your pics are not good enough" or "They don't do you justice" or "you are stronger than your photos". Ugh. And don't even get me started on my elusive smiling-with-teeth shots or having makeup artists who don't know how to apply makeup to ethnic skin or facial features. So, yeah, I saved myself some money this time around doing my own hair and makeup (curling it and then straightening it for 2 different 'looks').

Add to that I have so many looks and ages to portray that it makes it hard (and expensive$$) to have photos for each one of those portrayals. Sigh. Sometimes it's hard being a chameleon - - although the more categories I can portray arguably will bring me more work, it feels like I have a thumb in too many pies, as the old saying goes.
Alas, here are 3 of my Top 10 photos from my recent shoot. Now with digital cameras being used, I had oh, about 300 shots to choose from. What a headache to narrow it down. I am sick of looking at myself!! ;)