Okay, San Diego - - evidently I owe you all a HUGE apology.
In my being booked on a certain job for several hours, I evidently have swindled San Diego tax payers out of several hundred dollars.
And people are MAD about it.
Not only mad, but an article was published with proof of the accompanying photo shoot all the while lambasting my good name in BOLD LETTERS!

I feel badly but is it awful that a teeny weeny part of me also think it's hilarious?? I mean, is this going on my record? When you google me you can find the article. Will this affect future employment???
I AM SORRY, San Diego - so sorry!!!! But pick on girls doing horrible things in our community and truly draining our tax dollars - - don't get mad at me who beat out a hundred or so other models at a legitimate audition to book the job fair-and-squarely. How was I to know it wasn't on the up-and-up between those in charge and paying me (my check came through okay by the way).
I will be writing a retraction to the article soon. Not all the facts presented are correct. (I guarantee you the photographer made more than me - - as he should!) And I think it vastly unfair that mine was the only name mentioned - not the photographer, not the makeup artist, nor my agency. HAHAHAHA - just yours truly. So much for seeing 'my name in lights'. Stay tuned - - either they print up my two cents about it or the next pictures on this blog will be of me in the pokey!!
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