When I first started dating P almost 4 years ago, I was impressed with the handiwork and upgrades he had done himself on his condo. I do not speak only of his careful painting job - as I was well-versed. myself, in painting several times my previous apartments in Mission Hills back in the day. That said, P had upgraded his bathroom - ripping out the old dated mirrors, sink, etc and buying a cherry redwood matching sink and mirror, painting the whole thing and tiling the shower.
But right now I speak of the kitchen upgrade.
Oh, yes. The kitchen. I remember entering his condo the first time where he humbly pointed out his kitchen - - where half of it gleamed in urban, concrete perfection in an ash-gray color. Note that I said, 'half'..
Well, it is back-breaking work to do on your own. One can opt to have a contractor do it like my best friend Diana did. Patrick saved at least 2 grand doing it himself and having the pride to see his work everyday. But he didn't raise a finger to finish the other half of the kitchen for the ENTIRE - yes, ENTIRE, time I have known him - GOOD LORD.
Those who know me know I grew up in a house for 20 years that was in a state of constant repair, upgrading, addition, etc - - so I am ahem, a little, um, OCD about having my living space in order, clean and comfortable. Now I realize that not everyone cares to live one way or the other. But this gal does. And I have always taken a certain amount of proud even with my little apartments back in the day - - one can only imagine now with a larger living space that we actually own, I want it to be finished, clean and (snap!) snazzy.
So, P on his week-long holiday was put to work. The kitchen concrete and the whole mess that went with it was stared down and conquered. I am so proud of him. What a deplorable mess it made. Threw the whole feng shui off for the animals, plus the noise and dirt - don't get me started - - plus we had to eat out for 2 days straight when things had to be moved and turned off. I hate eating out that often - !
Believe me, I am
thrilled it is done. And I even can see (just a teeny eeny point) in P's having put it off for almost 4 years - -he he he...
Now if only we were finished with all the painting and reworking the wooden floors.....sigh
Day 1 - mixing the 4 bags of 50 pounds of concrete - - back-breaking and incredibly dirty work. Poor P was pretty sore doing this. He advises anyone else to rent a concrete mixer and don't be crazy like him.
Later on Day 1 - spreading and handling the smut - -
Smoothing out the dirty work....
Late afternoon, Day 2 - - more or less the finished product - just some drying, and some waxing and sealing to go!