Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Martinez Snow Trip 2010

Earlier this month the Martinez clan made the journey to Big Bear Lake, California for our 3rd family snow trip together. This is always a feat in itself - there are 8 in my family and now with spouses and grandkids we number 22 (!) hahah that is a lot of mouths to feed..

The house we rented was huge - tons of bedrooms, 3 living rooms, a pool hall and even an indoor jacuzzi -ahhh. We have a blast playing games, sledding, the kids take ski lessons and all the adults (sans accident-prone Elsa) ski and snowboard.

This year was extra-special having my own family with me. Ciara got to miss 2 days of school to snowboard with her dad and play night and day with her 8 cousins - - not too shabby for originally an only child. We are loud and laugh a lot - - she was so tired she actually went to bed early every night - I have never seen this!

I am so proud of the kids - for some of them it was their first time skiing. Others have barely done it - and they are all so good and fearless - - but nothing comes close to seeing my sweet autistic nephew Ryan go down the mountain with his special ed (bravo) ski instructor and his mamma - - he was so relaxed and my heart just swells thinking of it!

Wonderful times, we are so blessed to have these times together -- God is great!

Click on slideshow below for more!
Snowtrip 2010

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