I first modeled for her in November 2009 (see blog here) and since have had the pleasure of walking in several more shows for her. She even invited me to model in New York and LA Fashion Week in September and October but the timing was really bad what with NYC happening the week of Patrick and mine 1rst Year Anniversary/Wedding Reception party. Then LA Fashion Week went up whilst we were returning from Ireland. So I did neither one. I am very grateful to her for her support - - doing those shows at the age of 38 is INSANELY gratifying when most of the other girls are between 17-22.

That said here was a precursor show to workshop her Spring 2011 line. I haven't done a show in a club in over 5 years and now I remember why -- the wait was horrible -- with us not going on for hours and standing around getting exhausted, dehydrated and hot in high heels backstage.

There should be video of the show eventually and it's been hard for me to track down more pics but here are some as well as me getting my hair curled by Gianina of Como, Italy -- with whom I had a lovely conversation of the beauties of Northern Italy.

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