2008 Presidential Election is officially over and young
Barack Obama has won. I am excited and scared at the same time. Hopeful as well. It's history in the making. But, what a country he has inherited to take over. We're in bad shape, ya'll. And it is going to take a lot of work, motivation, intelligent and well-intentioned people to help take our beautiful country to a new chapter.
I couldn't in true elsa-logic back up either candidate, but I was and am open to whoever the winner would emerge as. Keep praying and hoping, I say. We have a long, but ground-breaking road ahead of us.
God Bless America!
I am so proud that my children have seen a day when a person can run a positive campaign based on hope, unite the country in a way that few could imagine, and prove how great this country is. At a time of weakness and failure, Barack Obama has brought out the best of us. Americans can rise to the occasion! What a great day for America, and for the world.
Rosa sat so that Martin could march. Martin marched so that Barack could run. Barack ran so that our children can fly!
I believe this is true for all of us. Watch us fly!
Yes a very historic night for the country. I like how both Barack and McCain immediately moved to bridge the divisive gap between the two parties. Let's hope and work that those efforts continue; the kids also need to see that being victorious doesn't mean you can laugh and point at the loser. In the end we're all part of the same country. We also have to really support the new Pres, as unfortunately there are still a fading minority of people who still can't see past his skin color or middle name.
Congratulations to everyone! -Tio GM
God bless and protect Barack Obama - Aunt Nora and Uncle David
Let's also hope and work for an end of this artificial divisive gap which has unfortunately festered. I've flown over many states and, funny, they don't look red or blue in real life. And people across the nation all look suspiciously American-like, whatever their party affiliation. McCain's concession speech was clear on this; he was a class act in acknowledging defeat.
- Tio GM
And thank heaven for the passing of Prop 2!!!!!
- Cousin Leslie
A resounding amen to all 3 comments! God is in his heaven, and all is well... - Aunt Linda
Well said Gabe. Thanks for the positive spin!! God Bless America AND the WORLD!! - Gini
A positive campaign???? The attacks on Sarah Palin could not have been any more vicious.
I agree with the above comment. One of the reasons I do not like politics is for the ugliness and accusations taht come flying from both parties. I feel badly for Sarah Palin at this moment as I feel her own party is really bckstabbing her. I felt all along they used her and now that she didn't help them win, the Republicans are beating her down and throwing her out with yesterday's trash. That said, I have no doubt she will be JUST FINE: with a career in Hollywood or a run for Prez in the future :) Mark my words...
what the hell do you know?
The above example of hateful attitude is exactly what worries me about our beautiful country. I hear its anger, vulgarity and spite in the vast majority of teens that I work with for almost a decade now - making me extremely passionate about parents not teaching decent manners, respect and decency nowadays.
Sadly, I know the above was uttered from someone at least my age if not older. That said, to answer your spitting question of 'what the bleep do I know?' I know, just like most, that Palin had star quality and fascinated the public - for good and bad reasons. That is why I said she will be just fine. Not to mention she herself since this posting has mentioned hopes of running in 2012 - akin to what I and many had predicted.
Sigh - I specifically was bipartisan on this entry - even mentioning that I couldn't completely back up either candidate - so I voted for someone else. I feel I stood up for Palin when she was attacked on here, and I also said it is exciting to see a half-black man as Commander in Chief.
I guess I 'know' that I am a good, decent and fair person... good luck and best wishes to the rest of you who would rather take the time out to post something hateful on a fair blog entry-
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