Firstly I have a soft-spot for director/producer/writer JJ Abrahms as way back when I was really pursuing an acting career in Hollywood, I heard of this very talented young guy my age who had a new TV series that people were really excited about and everything was hush hush about. The show was "Alias" with Jennifer Garner and ended up being a huge hit for 4 or 5 seasons.
Casting director April Webster called me in for one of my biggest TV role auditions ever - the recurring role of 'Ana' - a latina villian who would reappear here and there throughout the series. It would have been huge for me to get a role in such a critically-acclaimed show - not to mention just being a cool, kick-ass spy show. I didn't get it, but it was groovy just to be called in to the NBC Studios to her casting office.
JJ Abrahms went on to then create the amazing and still-running "Lost" - which I knew would be even bigger than 'Alias'. Needless to say, I am a huge fan of his and now, even more so since he helmed the soon-to-debut next "Star Trek" movie!!
If you know me and my family my sister Sara and brother Gabe are total Trekkie nerds. I do not have the (dubious) honor of being crowned with the same title, but I am definitely a fan. - Heck even my cat's name is Jordy - after Jordy LaForge - although, it was my Sara who named him (and ALL her cats) after Star Trek characters - the Trekkie nerd...
In any case, the above trailer link that Gabe sent to me, my siblings and nephews is looking awesome! I see they cast an impossibly good-looking cast to play the younger versions of our favorite original cast members. Good move - Abrahms had the insight to rope in a newer, younger generation with that kind of casting.
It's going to be awesome and I can't wait to go see it with my Trekkie siblings!!!
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