Thursday, December 03, 2009

"We Can DO it!"

Taking the line of the famous 'Arm and Hammer' poster of a woman in the 1940s flexing her bicep triumphantly in a moment of woman's lib I write a quick note as a follow up 2 previous blog where I was called out by name and picture for modeling for the Airport Authority of San Diego and accused of having tax payer's dollars spent to hire me.

After contacting the bloke who wrote it (it's his own online newspaper where he can say everything he wants to because it's him publishing it) - he he he .... I clarified with him that I spoke with an Airport Authority employee who told me not only does that particular writer have a vendetta against them but that also his facts were wrong - - it's not a taxpaying organization. The revenue is accrued by charging $3.50 to every ticket that flies to and from San Diego airport. So I was paid by the organization and their decision to hire me as well as the makeup/wardrobe stylist and the photographer and his assistant, not by all of you ;)..

I was still thrown 'under the bus', so to speak - as he sheepishly replied that he used my name and pictures to prove it really was a model used, etc etc....

Just thought the general public would feel better knowing you didn't pay me...what a relief, hahaha, right?? Now get to spending that on holiday cheer!

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