Sunday, December 27, 2009

Xmas Pics and Video

Those of you (Heather, Heidi, etc) who are photographer types won't be surprised to hear that one of our Xmas gifts between my husband and I was a! hehehhe P is constantly upgrading, downsizing in quantity, etc etc - - we are selling my Canon Rebel and he sold the Olympus EP-1 that we shot our Vegas elopement video blogs on and we got each other the new EP-2
. Here is P trying out the video. And to my photographer-friends - - we WERE going to get the new Mark II 5D - - but decided it was just a huge price and a big camera while I am still such a beginner.... hehehe I give it a year and we will have it...

Click on Slideshow below for pics!
Christmas 2009 and Mom's 71 bday

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