Sunday, October 14, 2007

80s Song of the Week: Howard Jones "What is Love?"

Ahhhhh... do you notice that there is hardly any feel-good music in this day and age? It's all so sex and bling-driven, it's no wonder our kids are all messed up.

Not quite with the 80s - - music still talked of love and feeling good and being romantic - - all to the tune of pre-recorded keyboard synthesizers. Here is a fine example of an 80s ballad by Brit crooner Howard Jones - his trademark orangish-peroxide faux-hawk hidden under a not so raspberry beret (alluding to another 80s phenom: Prince).

I love how he is portrayed having almost a magical power of insight and shows him do an action right before another character does it. The lyrics are beautiful and deeper than I remember giving them credit for as a teen. Perhaps it's because I've been so disillusioned myself with the subject. What is love anyway? Why does it seem almost impossible between 2 lovers, a mother and her child, 2 friends, 2 fighting countries with different religious beliefs? Only within ourselves can we find the answer...

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