As if reading my mind, I was just standing up to stretch and turn the news on again, when my mom called at 1:42am. I knew something was wrong immediately for her to call that late and my first thought was that they had to evacuate as well in Bonita (meaning this affected not only my brother Ben's family who already had headed to my mom's that afternoon, but also my sister Sara and her family in East Lake). As I answered, "Mom..." I simultaneously turned to look out the window in the small bedroom that has a view of Mt. Miguel and the Sweetwater Reservoir. I couldn't believe it - within 1.5 hours of last looking out the window, the fire (a new one, I believe) had taken over and had come alreadyhalf-way down the north side of the mountain heading directly towards my area of Rancho San Diego and Spring Valley! I was aware already that for hours it was on fire on the southeast side of it heading west with the winds towards Otay, Eastlake and eventually my childhood home in Bonita... which was bad enough - but I really had felt that I would be okay since I was close, but just northeast of those communities. I mean: I almost had had people stay at MY house because I felt I would be safe there.
Well, there was no doubt it was time to go. Between me and the fire was just dry brush of the rest of Mt. Miguel, then the small, but welcome, Sweetwater Springs Reservoir body of water, then the small 2-way but main road of Jamacha - which the fire would easily jump across - - leaving a small housing community of about 50 houses before it would reach the dry canyon that literally ends at my backyard.
Time to go.
Jordy was not happy - he hates his cat carrier and I usually need 2 people to get him in there. I could hear people down the street honking and getting in their cars, as I finally pushed his head down and zipped him up in the soft bag.
As I left my street and headed towards the stoplight next to Monte Vista High School, I gasped to see how close and large it really was. I hadn't expected it! I knew the Santa Ana winds were blowing to the West - I still don't understand why a new one started my way.
There were definitely people on the road and leaving my area but the freeway 94 heading west to downtown was just fine at that time. I got to P's around 2:30am and have been watching for news of my area as well as the Harris fire right next to mine that was endangering my brother Ben, sister Sara and their families and pets as well as my parents in Bonita.
My mom had informed me that they all were simultaneously evacuating and heading to different places - my brother Gabe's large house in Point Loma (the coast) and my dad's CPA office in Chula Vista.
My mom, God Bless her - informed me that she had gone in my old room and didn't know what to grab but packed a couple of my photo albums - I have many and had already packed most of mine at my own house. But she didn't need to do that. "Mom - I have all that I need here, just go!" I fought back the tears at her unnecessary thoughtfulness when she and my father certainly had enough to remember.
** Before I had left with Jordy I ran back one last time to my house - I glanced at my beautifully decorated house and beloved piano - so proud of what I had achieved on my meager salary. I ran upstairs and grabbed from my jewelry 3 necklaces and put them on - the silver Irish pendant my beloved had gifted me last Xmas, the Cross my father had bought in Spain for "all the women in his family" also gifted last Xmas, and lastly: my gold small cross that my mother had gifted me at 18 to keep me safe when I entered college. I had worn that cross daily for 14 years...
I paused at the gorgeous larger engraved cross that my mom had bought through an Art museum catalog a few years back. I always had loved that cross and had tied it with a beautiful purple ribbon and hung it up in my house. I reflected that although I love it: I'd leave it behind, along with my stain glass portrait of The Virgin Mary I placed both at the glass door facing the fire to bless my home and keep it safe.
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