I've know Jennifer since we were elementary-school kids. Jenn and her family lived across the street from us in Bonita, San Diego - where we spent a few years making mud pies, playing with dolls, getting kicked out of her sister's "Grease"-covered bedroom, etc. Heck! I even learned to ride a bike in her long driveway! Jenn and her family moved to Redlands, CA around 10 years of age and outside of the family Holiday card we lost track of each other until...
One day towards the end of my sophomore year of college at UC Irvine, I had the thrill and surprise of my roommate, Diana, coming home from rushing sororities to tell me that another girl who used to live in San Diego - Bonita - in fact! Di told her that her roommate and good friend (moi) is from Bonita and did she know Elsa Martinez? Well: Did she ever!!!! A half hour later Jenn came speeding up to our dorm in "Pumpkin" - der orange box-shaped car and we were reunited - going on to live together the following year and becoming swell friends again.
Being the hard-core democrat that she is, Jenn moved to DC, worked in the White House during her idol, the Bill Clinton regime, got a bill passed, met Mike, got hitched moved back to Cali - and now is a paralegal in Orange County. All this time, she is still one of my best friends making ours a great story! FELIZ birthday on this, her 34th. Mazeltaf!!!
Thank you, E (aka "toes"). You are sweet. Yes, that is my basically my life story in a nutshell. And, yes, we love our Toyota Prius!!
Editor's Note - it was on the 7th - I just have been working too much to blog lately...
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