It's another big round number for 'Flaka' - the youngest of our college roommies who turned a fabulous 35 yesterday - - Jenn is unavailable for comment as she is a paralegal and has learned that on myspace, facebook, blogs, etc - "What one says CAN and WILL be used in court" hehehe..
RWA Love, Jenn!
Sorry E, you've got her b-day wrong again. It's Oct 7. Time to ditch the paper day planner! ;)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had Oct 7 in my head but I got 2 email card reminders saying it was the 10th!! Drat! drat drat drat!!!!
Aloha from the real flaka- yes, this is from Jenn the paralegal! Mahalo for the b-day shout out. My b-day is the 7th, but no worries! ;- )
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