Thursday, December 11, 2008


Definitely back-blogged, I do not have the time or strength to fully detail our Thanksgiving trip to Maui a couple weeks ago. (he he I know some of you are sighing a breath of relief). Essentially this was it: we did a lot of driving and sight-seeing all around the island where we found a great hidden away beach spot on the northern side with a place to camp should we ever return; had our own special sunset pullout beach spot that we stopped to on 2 different days. We loved the old whaling town of Lahaina and its huge twisted trees offering shade in the center square. We also took a fun whale-watching trip from there our last afternoon.

We got a flat tire at dark (a little scary) after I suggested we go off-roading to the lava fields to see the sunset - past cell phone or electricity coverage. Thank God, P knows how to change a tire in the dark - we were both a little wary at our predicament and he came through like my Knight in Shining Armour on that one - phew! Unfortunately, P had the bad luck of losing his wallet on the last day - within 2 hours of our returning to the airport for our redeye flight. We figured it dropped out of his baggy cargo short pockets on our final sunset at a roadside beach where he was crouching taking long-exposure pictures of the sunset. Other than that - we did the freezing early morning drive up to the crater Haleakala where Patrick insisted it couldn't be as cold as I remembered it - - at 40 degrees and biting winds that almost made picture-taking impossible - yes... it WAS . :P

Then there was Turkey Day dinner down the street at Fred's Mexican Cafe (the chain has 2 locations in San Diego that we are familiar with). Yup, we opted out of a restaurant with an overpriced turkey flown in from the mainland and had some tacos and margaritas instead - not too shabby, indeed :P

Since I had been to Maui previously (see blog here)- I wasn't in major picture-taking mode. P took his real equipment with 2 different cameras and will post at least a couple on his flickr account when he gets around to working on them. In the meantime you can see mine on the slideshow below:

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