Monday, June 25, 2007

"What's Happening?" in the Martinez TVLand

Growing up we were not allowed to watch much TV. That was fine - we all loved reading and were certainly good at cultivating our imaginations while playing with so many siblings. Also, my parents were strict on what we could watch. As far as cartoons we watched: The Transformers, Bugs Bunny cartoons, G-Force and Thundercats. As far as regular shows we watched "Little House on the Prairie", "The Land of the Lost", "Battlestar Galatica", "The Cosby Show", "The A-Team", "Family Ties" and surprisingly enough: "The Dukes of Hazard". No racy shows likes "The Facts of Life" or "Three's Company" for the sweet Martinez kids - HECK NO!

But, hands down, the funniest show we watched during 1976-1979 was, "What's Happening!!!" From uber-skinny Roger to jolly dance wiz, beret-wearing Re-Run to hilarious deadpan younger tattle-tail sister, Dee - my siblings and I laughed our flat Mexican asses off!

It's good to know the innocent Martinez kids got exposed to such cool 70s funk!

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