I was a Page Editor as well as writer for the Newspaper and I was solely responsible for the 2 pages dedicated to school dances in our yearbook. Hey, school dances are of HUGE social importance when you are a teen - haven't you seen those 80s movies like "Pretty in Pink" or "16 Candles"???
Anyhow -I was not a photographer for either of the publications as I had had no experience before in my life taking pictures. That said, one of my friends was on the staff and if you were you could 'check out' and carry around with you for the day one of the 3 expensive school cameras. (**This would NEVER happen with todays' hoodlums...er students by the way: they'd be robbing it and selling it on the streets or selling it on ebay - shoot). We are talking pre-digital circa 1986 here, folks. Nonetheless, it was a good Canon camera with a zoom lens and everything.
So my friend had checked out the camera and me being such a goody-goody and trustworthy and all, I was able to borrow it from her for about 2 hours of her day. I remember clearly it was the first time I had ever held a camera that large and with a lens that moved focusing in and out. I had no idea what I was doing - but I looked through that lens and immediately noticed that framing the subject matter should be important and shot with care. I also saw through that black lens the contrasts between the subject facing into the light as opposed to being backlit. this could drastically alter the quality of a photo. I continued to shoot a few pics at the end of one class and during lunch break before returning the camera.
Later that week the film was developed and Miss Johnson, our teacher, asked, "Who took these pictures? These are pretty good - we will definitely use them." I was shocked and so pleased with myself as I shyly raised my hand to take due credit. In the span of only using the camera for 2 hours and not even being on the photography staff - a few of my photos were selected and published over the work of regular photo staffers whose sole purpose the entire year was to take and supply photographs to the newspaper and yearbook.
I can honestly say that since that age of 14 something in me clicked (no pun intended) as far as loving and appreciating good and creative photographs. It is of no importance the subject matter - nature, people, places, architecture, animals, abstract, colors, models, nudes - as long as it's well done, I will gladly look at it and appreciate it.
You know when you have someone borrow your camera to take a picture of you and your friends, or you and your man on vacation and they cut off your feet or there is way too much sky, etc? That lack of basic 'eye' for photography drives me bonkers! To this day friends and coworkers have complimented my always getting a good photo when I use their camera - -too bad the favor, most of the time, cannot be returned when I ask them to take one with mine - drat!
If you are an 'elsamart' reader you obviously have or can see my work posted under the titles on my blogs and especially when you click on my 'web albums' that accompany some of my blogs. I also have a free and public account on the very cool website, "Flickr" from Yahoo. Go to my page here http://flickr.com/photos/elsamart/. I don't have that many posted as I prefer to use any time with my blog instead but feel free to check it out and leave a comment. Also, may I suggest looking at some of P's fine work at http://flickr.com/photos/padraigmerr/. I am really impressed with the talent of people on this site - one can spend much time just browsing and looking at pictures. Fabulous, indeed...
From P's collection - How many of the photos are doctored w/ photoshop?
I am not sure if it was implied that photoshop is cheating or something. Even I use the easy, free PICASSA to tweak my colors. Using photoshop is what all the pros do and P still has a long way to go, but one cannot faketalent at seeing a great subject to begin with, or any eye for bringing out its color and textures - even by using photoshop. But mostly, I just think his lenses and cameras are so good that they make all the difference... :)
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