2007 was full of ups and downs. That said, it's all a learning experience and I've never been one who has been a stranger to pain and conflict. I'm a strong mujer with a great (albeit sensitive) head on my shoulders and I can get through anything.
I'm so thankful for being able to travel this year - my one and only splurge. A trip to P's native Ireland to meet his folks was lovely and historical, a fabulous San Fran family wedding in a posh hotel also celebrating P's bday was great fun, camping in the Big Sur, a trip to Arizona to see the Grand Canyon and the red rocks of Sedona, not to mention 2 photography trips to the Salton Sea. I am so blessed to travel each year more than many do in 3.
2007 was also a year of sadness. First we had the devastating fires of Southern California in October. By God's grace my family and friends were all okay - although a couple of us had to evacuate in the middle of the night - very, very unsettling. But seeing the aftermath of it in my community was crushing - although I am so proud of people coming to the aid of those in need.
December also brought the unexpected, premature death of a schoolmate of mine (and member of my beloved showchoir family - The Music Machine) Jason Garcia. My earliest memory of Jason was at the first 7th grade dance at Bonita Vista Jr. High School. I remember being a wallflower (shy and sweet) watching him slow dance with the first of many pretty girls that he dated. Handsome, an athletic star in football and baseball, class-clown, Big Man on Campus and all sorts of things like that - Jason was one of the most popular guys I grew up with. I never would have dreamed that years later he'd be singing and dancing alongside me in our highly competitive showchoir wearing (yes!) tight wight pants and blue sequins! That just shows how cool and open-minded a dude he was. My prayers go out to his new bride and family. It was yet another wake-up call for me that even being young and healthy doesn't mean that all cannot change within a single day. Rest in Peace, Jason.
I am the most appreciative person I know. But I'm also the most sensitive - sometimes I think my heart and feelings are too big for my body - to the point where it takes a toll on me and those involved with me. Ay, P...I am so in love with my boyfriend Patrick and I know that he knows it. I just hopes he acknowledges how thankful I am for the patience he's exhibited in dealing with my head. His decisions haven't been all peaches and cream either this year - but I'm proud of us being together. And, gee whiz, I really miss him and Ciara and await their return from Ireland. Nothing matters in this world without having loved ones to share it with.

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