Thursday, January 10, 2008

Love me Love my Cat

Ohhh yeah... I am definitely one of them crazy, cat-owning spinsters. My tabby cat, Jordy, understands me better than anyone. He feels my pain and my excitement. He suffered through relationships with me, being evacuated with the October fires, moving several times like the gypsy I am... and he still loves me. And I love my cat. I decided I really should get him on video cus one day my little Jordino won't be around.

Extra kudos go to anyone who can identify why or from where I get the "shnarf shnarf" talk that I tell him...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cats can't be trusted. They freak me out. You never know when they're going to strike. One minute they're purring and the next they're splitting you open.

I want to see jordy playing w/ you.