Now, I am a stickler for good acting and even better writing - if you have both (especially the latter) you can have a show about any kind of subject or story line and it will go well. But, LOST not only has the above going for it but it has the most insane, mind-boggling, scary, suspenseful, mysterious, inexplicable and exciting storyline all in one! It is simply unbelievable what this show has - - advenutre, romance, sex(iness), humour, tragedy (death - YES - they even KILL off main characters to keep it realistic - how ballsy is that!?). Wait I am not done: it also has an amazing ensemble cast repesenting all minorities - Korean, Mexican, a pregnant lady, a parapalegic, a psycho, murderers, criminals, doctors, an alcoholic, a druggie, an Iraqi torturer from the Rebel army, Causcasian-American, African-American, African, senior citizens, kids, a cute baby, Australian, British, the sexiest southerner you ever did see, a Brazilian, a musician, a priest, a lesbian (Michele Rodriguez - who was killed off probably cus she was not believable playing a straight woman); an Irishman, a cuban-american, a monster to scare you and even a labrador dog for animal lovers..can't think of any more at the moment but you get the gist.
Every episode is like a mini-movie and the cliff-hangers are nail-biting. I still think the best one was end of season 1 with the boy Walt - being kidnapped at sea by some perverse-looking trailer trash old man with a whiskey voice - and screaming for help at his helpless father who they shot and fell overboard (and we all know that african-americans don't, uh, tend to swim well).
Everyone has hopped on the LOST train and I know of several who seem to do it to be cool because their friends watch it, but I am OG - baby - been there since Day 1. Being somewhat still in the Industry, I had heard about it while in pre-production and that it was amazing and different than anything else on TV. Also, I was familiar already with its creator JJ Abrahms (I was already a fan of his "Alias"- which proved to show major promise for such a young, newbie in Hollywood).
I will never forget watching that first episode alone in my room and being absolutely TERRIFIED at the plane crash and drawn immediately to the main characters. GREAT STUFF and if you want to get into it now - I highly suggest watching the 8 minute catchup (fun, creative and funny) video on ABC.com.
Luckily, the show was able to shoot 8 episodes (half a season) before the devastating writer's strike - making it virtually the only new show on TV right now - besides game and reality shows. Thank goodness! I canNOT wait!!
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