Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Linked in at the Linkery

Call it nostalgia, call it insane - but I worked a ton this summer and still have many little blogs and pictures to post from the past. Even though I am literally fighting back the tears looking at my companion in most of the subject matter - I can only say that no matter how much he continues to hurt me daily by his actions and decisions, I cannot, unlike him, deny our so very recent history together and thus get the strength to publish these anyway. Actually my strength comes from my Love for him that cannot be, doesn't want to be, nor should be expected to be gone in only 3 weeks. Nor do I believe for one moment that deep down he isn't hurting as much as I am. Well, almost as much as I am... sigh
This was taken at this summer at the Linkery in Northpark. A memorable night out with Richele, P, and Dave - a former coworker of Patricks.
Between the great sausages (big weenies, really) at the Linkery, dancing dizzily to the very loud band with Richele at the Pink Elephant Bar, to Fred-the-Basset bursting to get to Richele's lap, and Dave's mega interest in Fred, the Spanish waitress and then Richele (all in that order) - - all made for good times.
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Click below on slideshow!
Linkery Night


Anonymous said...

This was a great night! I was Dave's third choice- which is why I went home alone :) But Fred did love me the most!

Elsa Martinez said...

he he he - That was really funny, Richele :P