Firstly, I must preface this by saying with my sometime ridiculous work ethic of never saying 'no' to work offered me, I was always working the past 3 times that the "Lights Band" has made it to San Diego. Well, I knew I would make this concert this time even if I had to go alone -something that wouldn't have bothered me in the least since I am very outgoing and a people-person. Let's just say it this way - it wouldn't have been the first concert I would have gone to alone - and I am actually quite proud to admit to that :) he he he
That said, my week was improving when I got my 80s-dancing partner in crime, Richele, to come with me. I then thought to invite my 80s and Journey-loving ex boyfriend from highschool, Joey and my even longer known neighbor and his best friend, Eric, to join us. I was very excited and then thought, 'why the heck not invite my new gal buddies I met under such extraordinary circumstances less than a week ago at Ray At Night?" If you read the blog I called them, H and A - Heidi and Alana. As Heidi commented to me, "I shall finally get my '15 minutes'!"
Ah yes, the night had FUN, good people and GREAT music written all over it. Let's get to the band - - AWESOME!!!! I have performed professionally with Juan before, and know the boy can really blow (slang for really belt it out in a passionate way). I remember when he was signed onto a record label for a while and even had a hit song in Spanish on the radio - I am so proud of him. :) Knowing his high tenor voice and forward-placed quality of singing (singers might know what I am talking about here) I knew his voice would be perfect for Steve Perry and Journey repertoire.. and he didn't disappoint.
Joey brought from work, Puerto Rican marine and UBER-Journey fan, Pedro - who ended up being such great company. I think Pedro even had a better time than I did (como es posible?!!!!) as he knew all the words even to the older songs from the late 70s and pre-Steve Perry. Shucks - we were all impressed by him and got even happier by seeing how into it he was. As Eric joked, "By the 3rd song Pedro was ready to go home with Juan" - - HA HA the boy is straight, ya'll!!
Eric, Joey and I are all professional singers and musicians to varying degrees - and were all pretty darn impressed and not let down by the band and Juan's singing. Hot dog - just awesome - top notch! Plus my dear Joey was such a good sport because he knows he can sing Journey pretty well himself but even he admitted to Juan that he (Juan) has got about 1.5 notes higher range than Joey - Ha HA - we are such dorks - love it!
The crowd was mostly 40s with everyone having a great time and even though we were all standing pretty close - about 3 rows back in the throng - sometimes I just had to get right up there to the stage (even once seriously ticking off 2 older blond women who did NOT like my pushing past them to stretch my hand out to Juan for him to hold)...
Well, gosh darn it - when the 80s music gets a hold of E - I just have to 'work it out!'
The great concert was ended even better by Juan spending time with us at our table for a bit, in his sincere down-to-earth way (I love down-to-earth people). You could just tell he was so appreciative of us all coming and he enjoyed talking with and meeting everyone.
So there was E, pleased as punch, having gotten to sing and dance to her beloved 80s music with 2 old friends that are wonderful musicians themselves who have known me most of my life; my fabulous, 80s-loving Richele, my pretty new gal friends Heidi and Alana, passionate and full of life Pedro who made a great impression on all us girls and then our new friend from Madrid via Colorado: Carlos.
Great times filled with foreign language, music, talking with Heidi and new friends Pedro and Carlos about our love for travel, all things foreign and foreign films that we all need to see, etc etc... all I can say is that E was in her element... great people, great music, foreign languages = a superb evening :) Can't wait for the next one.
Click on and check out the slide show below of Lights Band and friends - Pictures generously used by permission from Miss Heidi, thank you very much... and see you all the next time the band comes to town :P
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Lights Band |
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