Monday, December 27, 2010
Xmas Day Soccer Love
As good as my 3 nephews are in Soccer, my husband surprised them by playing a bit with them on Xmas Day. By the way, you see the life-size goal and how my parents' yard has been utterly DESTROYED this year by the grandkids playing soccer there so often? I don't even think the boys knew Patrick could play at all but he remarked, "They didn't grow up kicking a ball around with nothing else to do in the streets and fields like we do in Europe or Latin America. It's like riding a bike - you don't forget your skills." Snap!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Designer Sharon Plache segment
Here is a snippet from the show. I must point out that we did not have our normal rehearsal time allotted (since we weren't being paid, it was a lot to expect of us to be there for 8 hours for free so we only went in for 4) to choreograph the shows we normally do. Plus our spacing was different being a staircase and ballroom instead of a normal catwalk - so what you see here are me and the other models 'winging it' as far as spacing and not walking on top of each other.
Hehehe. Watch me on the bottom of the stairs, all those turns I am doing is me checking out the models to my right, to my left and even to see if there was anyone behind me on the staircase. With the slow jazzy Xmas music playing, too, it made for a whole lot of traffic jams. :)
That said, I enjoyed immensely the designs by Sharon Plache - -
Hehehe. Watch me on the bottom of the stairs, all those turns I am doing is me checking out the models to my right, to my left and even to see if there was anyone behind me on the staircase. With the slow jazzy Xmas music playing, too, it made for a whole lot of traffic jams. :)
That said, I enjoyed immensely the designs by Sharon Plache - -
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
San Diego 10 Best-Dressed Awards - Runway

It was decided in accordance with the smaller scale festivities and somber news of the death that the models would donate their paychecks to the charities benefiting.
"Interesting side note: This was also the show that last year (see blog) at the Spreckles Theater I fell off the stage into the orchestra pit - thus injuring myself that a good 3 months of recuperating needed.
I modeled with some younger models (outside of Nadia and Feben in their early 30s, all the rest were 16-19) and was clearly the mother of the show since our normal group of runway girls understandably couldn't make the trip from LA for no paycheck.
The designers for the most part were new for me to model for and wonderfully talented with plans to show their lines in NYC next year.

click on slide show below - -
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San Diego's 10 Best Dressed runway |
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
My Niece - Mi Sorbrina Works it OUT!

I had to post a picture from last weekend of one of my 4 nieces whose soccer team is in first place in the regionals and still going on to the Finals. The team they played last weekend was HUGE in comparison - - but my niece scored the 2 last winning goals probably because as you see here PUSHING the big girl in the gutt she is so small and quick that she slid underneath, past and between the competition. Thus, joining her 2 big brothers as yet another champion soccer player in my brothers' family. Just like their dad was back in the day... :)
Monday, December 06, 2010
DBIFF Director's Q&A
Film: "The Last Conversation" starring Elsa Martinez, Mona Mossayab. Written/directed by Amelia Zandi.
"The Last Conversation",
Amelia Zandi,
independent film,
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Dawn Breakers International Film Festival 2010

Last Spring I was cast in a short film, "The Last Conversation" for a lovely and courageous young director, Amelia Zandi.
At the time I was intrigued as it was a very heavy script, based on the true story of an 18 year old Iranian girl who was executed for her beliefs in the Ba'hai religion.
Many of you know that in my modeling and acting career I am considered 'ethnically ambiguous' and that I can certainly pass for a Middle Eastern woman. I wanted the challenge of playing another ethnicity but to play an Iranian mother and bring her to life without offending anyone (I am Hispanic and Catholic, and do not have my own children) - - certainly had its challenges for me as an actress.
I remember shooting the 6 minute film - it took us 1 day. I had a terrible migraine afterwards from the sheer heaviness of the subject and the emotional toll it took upon me. But I was grateful to my director for being 'color blind' and taking a chance casting me.
Likewise, the actress who played my daughter, Mona Mossayab, is about 30, and had her own set of challenges as an actress to play a teenager. That said, she is already of the Ba'hai religion which only helped bring a trueness and dignity to her character that, for my part, I had to dig up from other life experiences."
Alas our director decided to submit to a film festival and got in - - even better it was screened in San Diego this year (last year was Switzerland) - - so I went last week with my husband to the show and also did a Q&A with my director after the screening.
Watching myself on that screen I remarked later to my husband that there was nothing pretty about me or that performance at all. A far cry from what I usually do in modeling and acting. I was ugly, furrowed, tear-stained -- and I am very proud to have been a part of it. To hear the quiet sobs and sniffles from the audience around us was gratifying - not that we wanted it to be a tear-jerker - and it wasn't. But many in that room knew the story and as I commented later to the audience, "I was just appreciative that they accepted our work so well."
Many thanks to Amelia Zandi, the promoters and selection staff of the Dawn Breakers International Film Festival and to my co-star and crew.
Long live the Arts!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
"It's a Good Day for a Guinness"
I never did get all my photos up from our quick sojourn to Ireland the first week of October. You saw me put up videos previously on this blog and my youtube channel. The trip was quiet, beautiful weather (sun!) and uneventful but just fine.
Click on slideshow below for more pictures - -
Click on slideshow below for more pictures - -
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Ireland 2010 |
Ginger - - our rescue kitten
The next morning - we find out that it's a girl and P names her "Ginger" - -
"What I did for Thanksgiving vacation..."
Do you remember writing papers with that title in grade school? Well, it's been a doozy of a last few days with getting soaked at work in the rain over the weekend, then going to see my friends in a drag show at Bourbon Street on Saturday evening with my husband and my go-to-girl Richele. Will blog on that later when I get a couple photos from Patrick who shot that night.
I spent 2 days painting Ciara's bedroom a Barbie Doll lavender. And I informed her that in 2 years she can't get all 'emo' on me and want it repainted black. Cus I ain't gonna do it!!! It's staying Barbie Doll pretty-girl color until she goes to college - which it will then be promptly turned into my yoga/meditation chamber - hehehe.
I have spent all day today in bed with a flu bug - but at least I am getting some photography worked on for here and my Flickr site!
But the biggest event this vacation was Sunday late afternoon when Patrick and I rescued a kitten!
We had just done a little photography excursion in the car and were in line for gas at CostCo in the ghetto. Even with the running cars and windows rolled up I could hear a kitten squawking in distress.
I still can't believe no one else heard her. Not even P. When I finally pointed it out to him he said, "It's a dying bird". Then he somehow caught a glimpse of her orange tabby face caught in the side of the parking lot, above a wall where there was an extremely thick and prickly hedge made of thorny twigs and sticks separating the CostCo parking lot to the minimall on the other side.
Well, I immediately jumped out of the car, jumped up the wall and searched for her - - she was crying loudly and caught in the thick mess. P, meanwhile, got his gas and pulled over to park the car. But he didn't get out - thinking I would get her out quickly or give up. Neither occurred.
It was so dense and prickly, I scraped my arms and hands trying to break pieces off so I could make a tunnel big enough for my hand to reach her. She is the size of my tiny hand by the way. I guesstimate about 6 weeks old, tops.
She was terrified and panicking, of course, as I tried to get to her which made her even more caught int he branches. She even sliced open the soft pad on her back foot on those horrible thin branches.
Not a single person asked to help me or even asked what I was doing. I am sure it was quite a sight seeing me up on that wall and digging into a hedge at sunset. I was praying to Jesus to help me get her out because I had no doubt in my mind that she would not have survived the night stuck in there. She would have succumbed to exhaustion, dehydration and exposure easily.
At one point I made the decision that I'd have to drive all the way home to pick up cutters to get into that hedge and that I'd be back in about 45 minutes. I felt guilty, but jumped down to the ground. She started screaming.... SCREAMING! It was as if she knew that she was going to be left alone. It broke my heart.
So I jumped up again to try and got as far as being able to touch her nose softly. Finally after about 40 minutes my husband came out to help - and with his help we were able to get her.
Of course we took her straight home. She was covered with fleas and dirt and trembling from fear and shock for the first half hour. But settled into my warm, fuzzy vest which is now dubbed 'the cat jacket' or 'her mom' since it is lined with a faux fur.
She is very young. We looked for her mama and any siblings but it was clear she was abandoned in there on purpose. Also, her demeanour makes it seem like she wasn't a Ferrel kitten - she was scared and in shock, no doubt, but she had to have been around humans before.
We now have 2 cats and 2 dogs - and I already suffer over our animals and their well-being so, believe me, I wasn't going to be getting a new cat until Jordy passed on (he is about 10 years old and still has plenty of time). Also breaking her into how things are done around here and with the dogs takes time. Like I have that right now ;)
She is precious. We love her already.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Haute With Heart Runway

This show was in August benefiting the St. Madeline Sophie Center.

It was lovely to have some of the kids actually sing onstage and strut their stuff - they had a wonderful time. So did we! Click on slideshow below!
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Haute With Heart Runway show |
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Project Ethos - Goga by Gordana

I first modeled for her in November 2009 (see blog here) and since have had the pleasure of walking in several more shows for her. She even invited me to model in New York and LA Fashion Week in September and October but the timing was really bad what with NYC happening the week of Patrick and mine 1rst Year Anniversary/Wedding Reception party. Then LA Fashion Week went up whilst we were returning from Ireland. So I did neither one. I am very grateful to her for her support - - doing those shows at the age of 38 is INSANELY gratifying when most of the other girls are between 17-22.

That said here was a precursor show to workshop her Spring 2011 line. I haven't done a show in a club in over 5 years and now I remember why -- the wait was horrible -- with us not going on for hours and standing around getting exhausted, dehydrated and hot in high heels backstage.

There should be video of the show eventually and it's been hard for me to track down more pics but here are some as well as me getting my hair curled by Gianina of Como, Italy -- with whom I had a lovely conversation of the beauties of Northern Italy.

Saturday, November 13, 2010
Case in Point #2

We were at Thai dinner and there was a lovely orchid (his favorite flower) at our table and he composed in the low-light this shot without me even knowing he was shooting. (I was undoubtedly looking around observing the scene and people-watching as I often do).
Obviously he added a sloppy frame to the pic in post-production to frame it up nicely, but one cannot deny it's a pretty darn cool pic - - and just proves what a good eye for composition can produce(!)
Alternative Ulster
Here is an example: GREAT photos of the usually camera-shy Ciara posing as a punk for Halloween (just like her daddy back in 80s Ireland). She is even wearing one of his original punk t-shirts of the Sex Pistols - - ORIGINAL - - we are talking 1983 and in worn, but great condition - - definitely worth posting!
Friday, November 05, 2010
Halloween 2010
My husband and I spent the day in the sun working on our new fence and yard and then quickly I had to throw a costume together for... HALLOWEEN!
I was "Shnarf" from the "Thundercats" cartoon back in the 80s - - and those who know me know that I do the shnarf meow all the time to cats and dogs who shnarf back. I even Shnarf "I love you" to my husband. I am holding a miniscule package of candy-corn --the only candy I was interested in taking from the kids...!
We went to trick or treat and have dinner at my brother Gabe's house and uber-cool neighborhood in Point Loma. My nieces and nephews along with Ciara looked great - but of course by the time I took a picture they had taken off parts of their costumes and were only interested in checking out their loot.
Even my sister in law, and big sister wore costumes! My brothers were also decked out in 70s garb (Ben's afro looked great - I always praise what a good weave, wig or head of hair can do for you) and (of course, being a sci-fi Trekkie and Comic Con Fool) Gabe was Darth Vader.
My tired husband and dad were left behind and were falling asleep on the couch while we were out getting candy....
Twas a fun evening and beautiful weather!

I was "Shnarf" from the "Thundercats" cartoon back in the 80s - - and those who know me know that I do the shnarf meow all the time to cats and dogs who shnarf back. I even Shnarf "I love you" to my husband. I am holding a miniscule package of candy-corn --the only candy I was interested in taking from the kids...!
We went to trick or treat and have dinner at my brother Gabe's house and uber-cool neighborhood in Point Loma. My nieces and nephews along with Ciara looked great - but of course by the time I took a picture they had taken off parts of their costumes and were only interested in checking out their loot.
Even my sister in law, and big sister wore costumes! My brothers were also decked out in 70s garb (Ben's afro looked great - I always praise what a good weave, wig or head of hair can do for you) and (of course, being a sci-fi Trekkie and Comic Con Fool) Gabe was Darth Vader.
My tired husband and dad were left behind and were falling asleep on the couch while we were out getting candy....
Twas a fun evening and beautiful weather!
Videos correction
For whatever reason, uploading my 2010 Ireland video snippets to my blog somehow makes them very slow and uneven to watch. However, if you go on my actual youtube website above you can watch them easily,in quicker real time.
Friday, October 29, 2010
More Ireland Videos
Medieval Town of Carlingford - P actually admitted if we moved back to Northern Ireland that he'd prefer to live here than in County Down (!) Shocker to me...
Visiting the famous 3000BC (that is before the Pyramids, ya'll...) prehistoric burial chamber (not good for those of us who get a little claustrophobic - -
walking around a lovely, sunny day in Dublin - -
Visiting the famous 3000BC (that is before the Pyramids, ya'll...) prehistoric burial chamber (not good for those of us who get a little claustrophobic - -
walking around a lovely, sunny day in Dublin - -
Ireland 2010- video shorts
So after our whirlwind summer of fixing up the condo, buying a new house, starting work on it as well, planning and having our wedding reception celebration/1 year anniversary - - we then immediately left for Northern Ireland to see P's parents.
Unfortunately, my mother-in-law had a difficult summer with 2 strokes and we felt an extra push to get there to see her.
It was a quick trip - I was there for only 7 days and all 3 of us were suffering badly for whatever reasons the jet-lag. It seemed we were up every night and wanting to sleep during the day - just painful, really.
This trip - my 3rd to Ireland - was a little uneventful as we were there specifically to spend time with Nana Ann. Too bad we weren't able to do one of our big road trips as the weather was absolutely amazing - brisk but full of sunshine - only an hour of rain during one afternoon. I always expect it to be freezing and wet and I was unprepared for such cooperation from Mother Nature!
As usual, I just turned my Olympus Pen EP-2 to video recorder every so often so that my loved ones can get a feel of Patrick's Ireland.
Unfortunately, my mother-in-law had a difficult summer with 2 strokes and we felt an extra push to get there to see her.
It was a quick trip - I was there for only 7 days and all 3 of us were suffering badly for whatever reasons the jet-lag. It seemed we were up every night and wanting to sleep during the day - just painful, really.
This trip - my 3rd to Ireland - was a little uneventful as we were there specifically to spend time with Nana Ann. Too bad we weren't able to do one of our big road trips as the weather was absolutely amazing - brisk but full of sunshine - only an hour of rain during one afternoon. I always expect it to be freezing and wet and I was unprepared for such cooperation from Mother Nature!
As usual, I just turned my Olympus Pen EP-2 to video recorder every so often so that my loved ones can get a feel of Patrick's Ireland.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The All-Ireland Gaelic Football
A few weeks ago, my husband and I went to "The Field" - the Irish bar downtown which seemed to be the only bar showing the All-Ireland Gaelic football champion game. It was 7am, early, on a Sunday but we weren't the only ones there braving the $20 entry (ouch!) and drinking Guinness and eating a traditional Irish breakfast "fry".
The big deal was that P's County Down made the finals for the first time since the early 1990s so there was no way he was going to miss this. He even made his Da' send him a shirt with the Down colors and emblem.
Well, we were highly outnumbered by the Corks (the southerners) and P tricked me into trying "Black Pudding" - which he later told me was made out of coagulated blood. I guess I am on Team Edward now.
Gaelic football is extremely interesting. They can use their hands as well so it's somewhat like soccer but quicker-paced with more scoring. Also, worth noting is that these are not professionals but athletes actually from the Counties themselves. Such as "Number 7 is a dentist in Newry" - - they are really just lads from your county neighborhoods so it lends a huge pride to have them represent in the All-Ireland.
Sad to say, after leading the first half the North lost by a couple points. But 'twas still a great time hearing all the Irish accents, the cheers and sitting next to the Catholic priest....
Bonita Vista High School Reunion - 20 Years!

My always-dependable high school beau Joey picked me up so we could chat driving downtown. We both left our spouses at home. The truth is, although my Patrick initially wanted to go to see an American high school reunion, spouses are - for the most part- bored out of their minds at these things. So I made the executive decision that at $80 a ticket he could stay home. :)
Well, it was a WONDERFUL time - - it really amazes me how it's been 20 years since some of my peers and I have seen each other. Some I saw at the 10-year but there were a handful that didn't make that one. This party blew the other away. And I love that it was organized by 4 sweet, nerdy school pals. They really threw a great party! Everyone agreed it was very successful. And so much fun to see everyone!
Some fun moments? I did see a couple new enhanced gals working it out, I got hit on by the newly single star athlete who came out 10 years ago - I kept insisting I wasn't drinking and she kept insisting she wanted to buy me a drink. Heck, I didn't even let her get me a water for fear of her slipping a roofie in it. (I am kidding - sort of).
I was apologized to by my single biggest bully from 7-10th grade - until I got very recognized for my singing talent and just didn't care anymore about her and she stopped. That was nice to hear her say, "You know--- I wasn't really nice to you for a while there, was I, Elsa? I'm sorry - - I'm not like that anymore.." That makes 2 people who as adults apologized for hurting my feelings and saying awful things there for a while when we were kids. Not too shabby.
Other interesting moments? Well, Brian's very blond wife drank so much that a foot away from me as I was approaching him to say hi she went down - - Hard. Blacked out for almost 10 minutes, they had EMTs on the floor with her. I am just surprised at this age that people don't know their limits. It really was an unsettling scene there for a bit. And I never did get to talk to Brian after that.
A great highlight was our idea to shoot a picture of those of us from Ella B. Allen School (elementary). To think I've known those kids since kindergarten about 30 years ago and played at their houses just blows my mind! I am so proud of all of us and so thrilled to spread the Allen-School Love.
Other highlights are unmentionable - just worth noting that it's interesting to be the only one sober there and hear some of the things said to me by not-so-sober peers. I may have the Gift to Gab but I don't divulge things said by others that may be regretted. :)
Lastly, is it worth mentioning how I am in the absolute minority not having kids and just barely getting married??? I had a lot of quick conversations with a some peers on marriage number 2 and telling me of their kids in Jr High and some - even HIGH SCHOOL already!! HOLY FRIJOLES!!! Everyone thought my life is so neat and spontaneous - and it is - - but I felt compelled to tell them that I gave up having a normal life, husband, money and kids because of my pursuing an artistic career. I guess they feel the 'grass is greener'.
To the few who are not with us anymore - - my heart and prayers go out to them, their families, their kids - - it saddens me that they passed away so young. I will say it again: we are so blessed to be alive and have our health. Truly blessed.
Many, many cheers to Beth, Kelila, Mike and Ron for throwing a radical party!
I was so jetlagged that my eyes were burning and my legs were shaking but I had such a special time.
Enjoy the slideshow below!
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BVH 20-Year Reunion |
Monday, October 04, 2010
San Diego Blood Bank Runway Show

Did I get your attention??? This was a very colorful Under-The-Sea-themed runway show for a big charity party benefitting the San Diego Blood Bank back in June at a mansion in Torrey Pines. All photos courtesy of Gates Photography - gracias!
Feel free to click on the slideshow below for more -
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SD Bloodbank Runway show |
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Wedding Reception/Anniversary
I am now a step-mom, wife and home-owner - - too busy for blogging as my readers can see! This summer has been full of moving to our new home, working on our condo, and planning for our First Anniversary/wedding reception bash last weekend.
September 21 marked my First Anniversary with my loved husband. Since we eloped last year we felt that we would throw a reception so that family and close friends could celebrate.

Here is just a hint of some of the pictures from our photographer and friend Heidi Lee. More to come when I get all the pictures but first we are off to see the in-laws and lads in Norn' Ireland..
Thank you all, for coming to San Diego to share our special day - - we felt very loved and surrounded by goodness.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010
9-11 - In Memory..

I remember clearly I was in-between apartments at that time and was staying at my parents' house. I was up early getting ready for teaching when the phone rang. I heard my mother answer it and say in a concerned voice I rarely have heard uttered from her, "Ohhhhhh..okay, okay we will turn it on. It will be okay, Sweetheart." I knew it was family from that tone of concern and I immediately was by her side to inquire what happened and which sibling of mine had called.
It was Sara and she told us we were under attack. My parents and I ran upstairs to the television and turned it on to see the billowing smoke and the new images of the 2nd plane that had also impacted. It was a sight so extraordinary and frightening. I thought immediately of my actor friends in NYC and called up those whose numbers I had. Some answered, some didn't, although all would check-in eventually throughout the next couple days, gracias a Dios.
My heart was in my throat as I knew I had to go to work and only had minutes to watch the TV. I quickly called up my boyfriend at the time. Mark, a freelance writer and editor, tended to sleep in after staying up late writing. I knew he was unaware of the Twin Towers attack or he would have already called me. He answered drowsily at my calling him so early in the day -- "Is everything okay, Babe?" he asked with confusion. The tears fell, unchecked as I sobbed and somehow choked out, "No, Mark - New York..has been attacked by terrorists - many have been killed - turn on your TV. I will call you back." It was better for him just to watch it and hear the news reports as I was sobbing by then and didn't know much myself.
I remember the couple first images of people with no other recourse than to jump to their deaths. The first was a business woman, literally straddling a blown out window. They were able to zoom in so much on her that one could clearly see her brunette hair and color of suit. Suddenly she jumped out. The camera pulled back and panned her almost the entire way down. It is needless to say that is a very long time to pan down. I remember gasping in disbelief at what I had seen and very aware that people who knew her could have recognized her. Luckily, they stopped showing those images very shortly on the news as someone high up must have deemed them too much to bear.
I'll say....
I went to work that day with the administration huddled around the lone TV in the teacher's lounge. Many teachers didn't come in that day and it was a bit stressful and confusing. NOBODY wanted to be there. People were even scared that our military town of San Diego would get attacked. Many people just wanted to be home where it was safe with loved ones. The jr high students didn't really have a clue as to the magnitude. In fact, true -to-youth they seemed more excited to gossip excitedly at it and describe the blast, the violence, the images...
Mark later told me he stayed glued to his Black and White, bunny ear antennae TV for the next 10 hours straight.
I would have done the same, had I been able to.
In memory of this 9-year anniversary, I felt compelled to note my memory of that fateful morning. As many have said since then, "We cannot forget." We cannot forget that day and how many it affected. My prayers and thoughts go this day with anyone affected first-hand..and for our troops whom fight overseas as we speak - - almost ten years later.
God Bless America.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Family videography
Some video taken at the weekend with the Familia -
Here I am BUSTED! I was supposed to be watching the baby and she is so quick that while filming her she gets into mischief!
Here I am BUSTED! I was supposed to be watching the baby and she is so quick that while filming her she gets into mischief!
Bay-Area Araiza-Love
I had the good fortune to visit some extended family in the Bay Area a couple weeks ago. I stayed with my Aunt Nora and Uncle David at their garden villa in Oakland - - just l-o-v-e-l-y and so relaxing. They became grandparents (insert angel chorus “ahhhhh” here) this year when both their children became first-time parents with their spouses.
In addition to wanting to see all of them and their babies, my other cousin Maddy also had her first baby and lives nearby. I got such a kick to see my closest cousins as parents. These cousins to me were practically my best friends growing up – that’s what happens when you have strict, protective parents who don’t let you hang out with school kids or at the mall like others did or spend the night at friends' houses. Which is fine in this case – my childhood with these cousins was fun, wonderful and full of laughter and fond memories!
Very special to me this particular weekend was that I also got to spend a lot of time talking with my sweet Aunty Nora and my generous Uncle David – who not only put me up but threw a garden party for all the cousins, spouses, and babies to come. Also visiting were my sister Sylvia and her husband Tim who brought along some of his family who live nearby.
What a loving afternoon we had. I felt incredibly centered just after the 2 days – and had 2 nights of some appreciated and restful sleep. Thanks, again, to the Northern Cal Araiza-contingent - I love you all very much!
Click on slideshow below:
In addition to wanting to see all of them and their babies, my other cousin Maddy also had her first baby and lives nearby. I got such a kick to see my closest cousins as parents. These cousins to me were practically my best friends growing up – that’s what happens when you have strict, protective parents who don’t let you hang out with school kids or at the mall like others did or spend the night at friends' houses. Which is fine in this case – my childhood with these cousins was fun, wonderful and full of laughter and fond memories!
Very special to me this particular weekend was that I also got to spend a lot of time talking with my sweet Aunty Nora and my generous Uncle David – who not only put me up but threw a garden party for all the cousins, spouses, and babies to come. Also visiting were my sister Sylvia and her husband Tim who brought along some of his family who live nearby.
What a loving afternoon we had. I felt incredibly centered just after the 2 days – and had 2 nights of some appreciated and restful sleep. Thanks, again, to the Northern Cal Araiza-contingent - I love you all very much!
Click on slideshow below:
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Bay Area Familia |
Thursday, September 02, 2010
The Daily Burn

So I was reading a “Shape” magazine on a Bay Area flight home and one of the things I saw was a free application for the Iphone of the daily burn. Have you ever wondered, like me, just how many calories you really consume each day? Or what is your protein ratio to carbs? Well, this is a PERFECT way to find out!

First let me preface this by saying yes, I have an Iphone now. My husband made me take his once he got the 4G one. And, to be fair, I begrudgingly needed a better phone since I go to LA and am in the car a lot and I would actually sometimes call him a couple times a day to check my email from his lab. Those who know me KNOW I hate gadgets and STINK at learning technology - - I am ready to go back to horse-and-buggy days anytime and still prefer to write by hand my daily planner just as I’ve been doing since 1990 in my freshman year of college.
The first and only thing I DID want on this blessed phone was the Tetris app and I got that on a couple weeks ago. For me to download this as my 2nd app shows just how serious I am about this website. I love it. It is very informative! You look up exactly what you ate for meals and snacks; click on it and it maintains that info. At the end of the day you have the entire breakdown of calories, protein, carbs, and fat intake. It also has a water meter- how many of the eight 300ml glasses are you truly drinking each day? Depending on my job and/or travel I don’t always make it – yesterday I only did 6 glasses. The day before I did 10. I especially appreciate that the site works with actual brands - I had hummus at lunch and when I put in the brand name as well as ‘hummus’ it popped up the exact size and picture of the one I buy at CostCo. I put in ‘Activia Vanilla yogurt’ instead of just ‘yogurt’ to get the true nutritional info. Brilliant!

I highly recommend it to everyone. Although I hate doing it on my phone – takes way too long and I think I am already getting carpel tunnel in my fingers using the silly thing (please don’t get me started on texting from an Iphone – ugh). Well, if you are like me and hate being on your phone, do it on your computer or laptop online! Much easier – que bueno!
Lastly: be honest! I even put in the tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and the little bit of feta cheese I throw on my dinner salad, heck – even the cinnamon and 10 almonds I put on my oatmeal in the morning - - it all adds up and at the end of the day I am pretty confident that my nutritional results and chart are close - give or take 10-20 calories.
There is more to the website – track/plan your workouts – I am not even tackling that part of it. But I did put in my current weight and the 5 pound weight-goal loss I’d like to lose since having a very bad injury-ridden year. It told me that for my height, age, weight, and activity level to lose my 5 pounds I should be eating about 1860 calories. Yesterday I cleared 1455 – and 300 of that was a total splurge of desert which I normally do not do. It’s interesting that with even my discipline and low fat, low-calorie diet how quickly things can add up. But that said, I am pretty sure most every day I average 1000 calories – and NOT enough protein for sure. I average 50 grams of protein per day and I need about 130grams – YIKES! More tofu and egg whites need to be added!
Monday, August 30, 2010
San Diego Sailing
We have had a very mild summer here. But that didn't stop us from taking out 2, yes: 2 sailboats to fit some of the Martinez in July. My brother-in-law now has his own boat and my brother is a member of the Yacht club and can rent one. It was very fun to be in contact via walkie-talkies and eventually meet up under the Coronado Bridge. From there we tethered the 2 boats, dropped anchor and had a great time eating, kayaking, and gabbing. It was too cold for me - I was bundled up and didn't get to sleep in the sun at the starboard like I usually do. But it was still lovely and somehow my brothers and the kids all went swimming - god bless 'em!
Click on slideshow below:
Click on slideshow below:
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Sailing July 2010 |
C and E dance
It takes a while for me to upload videos onto youtube. Here is one from last November when my stepdaughter did a cheercamp at SDSU. The kids got to perform with the cheerleaders at halftime at a San Diego State football game. P and I were freezing (look how bundled up I am) but Ciara diligently practiced the whole first half of the game and therefore stayed warm in just a tshirt and shorts. I watched her so many times that the musical theater/showchoir dancer in me picked up the choreography..
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Pride 2010
It is worth mentioning that not far after Pride here was marked the ruling in San Francisco regarding gay marriage. There may be good and bad ones, but I agree that having a good, healthy, respectful and loving matrimony should be everyone’s right to pursue. Amen and good luck to us all!
click on slideshow below:
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Pride 2010 |
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