A little dated, this email was written a while back, but I am itching to start blogging again so here goes with a doozy - Editors Note

Uh oh - -
Somebody didn't do their homework...
Okay, I am just loving politics right now - and I am not even a political person. But it's mighty interesting, ain't it folks?
Last week I had emailed staunch
McCain supporter, Patrick, that McCain's 'choosing a woman, pro-choice conservative with a blue-collar working, half Eskimo husband' as his Vice President running mate was 'brilliant and the best decision he could have made". I was referring to the Republicans being able to scoop up the Christian pro-choice votes, all the feminists who wanted to vote for Hilary and have a woman in the White House, and garner the minority vote in her husband's lineage. I even commented to P, that "I was actually starting to believe that McCain might win the presidency after all..."
Whew! Let's not get all crazy out there on the worldwide web - let me clarify to those who don't know me that I am a registered
Independent and am middle of the road - but definitely more liberal than conservative - despite a lot of my old-fsahion values and Catholic upbringing. I also didn't know until about today who I was voting for and was very open to hearing Patrick, Bill O'Reilly and Fox news TVs pro-Republican opinions and perspectives for the past 2.5 years.
That said, I laugh, YES: laugh at the turn of events that is currently going on. Firstly, my heart goes to out to Palin's 17 year old daughter for being sucked into the public eye like this (her mom should have not accepted just in order to keep her daughter's future therapy bills in mind). Yes, the ultra pro-choice, bikini-wearing while gun-toting, photogenic possible Vice Prez has a pregnant, high-school aged, unmarried daughter. I know I am going to rub my Conservative readers wrong when I say I have been teaching teens for almost a decade now - and I am going to tell you this - I highly doubt that poor girl is thrilled or not totally humiliated to be having a baby and now having to wed this boy when they are of age. A lot of parents and adults out there do NOT have a clue what is going on in schools and how bad it is. Kids are seriously having sex and fooling around more than any of you ever did and want to admit. And, yes, people, they
are having abortions (even if it is terrifying and breaks their hearts and religious upbringing).
I have few opinions on politics, but one of them is on this issue - I am
pro-choice. No, I was
not raised that way. But I am now. And I will never accept that females cannot research and make that difficult decision without it being illegal. Be it alone, with the father, or with their parents or adult consent is a different issue that
certainly warrants addressing - but to have a bunch of old white MEN in Congress dictate whether or not girls can even MAKE the choice - really gets my goat. Do I believe this young girl is 'happy' with her situation and has not secretly wished she could even fathom giving up the child but couldn't even give it a fair thought due to her mother's political career and opinions??? Well...my experience leans towards something a lot of you don't want to, or are in denial of hearing, but
should be aware or prepared to hear if you are a parent.
Shoot, do my parents - ultra Catholic, God-serving, educated, old-fashioned, and of Mexican heritage like hearing that I am pro-choice now for over a decade and that I (gasp) have gay friends and I support gay marriage??? HELL, no - but I do and they love me all the same - even if they can't understand my opinions on those issues. But at least, I COULD make the choice to change my opinions from the Catholic upbringing that I blindly accepted my entire church-going life to what I believe in now. This poor gal couldn't even make that choice.
I think that McCain was hasty about making his VP decision. Everyone knows he wanted Ridge and another who are both pro-choice - so he couldn't choose them to lose the Christian vote. I believe he didn't know about the pregnancy or was naive about not thinking it would affect his whole campaign. I am sorry, the whole thing is laughable to me. Not the daughter, again, no, not her- I feel awful for her in the public eye and trying to hide her growing belly on TV by holding her new baby brother on her lap at the Rep Convention - yeah, that wasn't thought-out at all, right??? But I
have been watching TV and listening to NPR and to anyone who keeps saying what is going on shouldn't be 'political' -puleaseee - it IS political that this woman has a teenage pregnant, unwed daughter. It
is political that this woman is a virtual unknown with not much experience - although I applaud her energy-conservation efforts - one of the few things besides, gay rights, and pro choice and the war that I am interested in. And,
of course, I think it's a great step forward having a possible woman in the White House. Although Hillary and others paved the route for Palin. (This is all probably killing Hilary right now, by the way - seeing that a virtual unknown female of a month ago may now be in the White House).
But let's also be realistic - McCain was hasty in choosing her. And I think he chose her hastily mostly because he felt he needed to 'shake things up' after the stunning Democratic convention last week. But let's remember, the man is 72 years old, that means he could be potentially 80 by the time he leaves 2 terms. This woman is truly, a heartbeat, away from taking over the White House -helllooooo! She best keep on getting that beauty sleep 'cause she's going to need it he hehe.
Ahhhh, I am not unfair. It would be unfair to point out her relative inexperience - akin to Obama - I am NO hypocrite. But, I think Obama made his own 'brilliant' choice in VP running mate Joe Biden as he is older (to balance out Obama's youth and inexperience),
white (he he he - let's face it - if Obama had chosen a woman or another minority - I don't think the USA would quite be ready for all that minority and ethnicity hehehehe), and Biden has experience in foreign policy (same balancing act as the previous sentence).
Soooo...I am thinking that I am getting closer to deciding who I will be voting for - and if any of you have a problem with that - let's hear your opinions here (I know I am going to be hearing it anyway uh oh!!) or you can always stake out my mailman, pull a Tanya Harding on him by taking him out by the knee, stealing my voter mail-in ballot and ripping it passionately to shreds.
"Work it out", be involved, have an opinion and Vote!!