I have a new love. It is a lot of work. Takes a lot of commitment. Requires major physical and emotional stamina. It's really good for me. And, oh yeah, it makes me hot all over.
I am, of course, referring to Bikram Yoga. (Shoot, I'm a good Catholic girl - get your head outta the gutter!)
Anyhew, when I first met Patrick he was attending this yoga school in Old Town. Too bad that I am partly responsible for his stopping it - but how could he resist giving up any free time at all once he fell for my big bedroom eyes??? ha ha
In any case, last week we decided we both have let ourselves get out of shape enough for a return to the yoga school and he took me with him. Now, I have off and on done yoga and pilates for the past 4 years. But I have never done Bikram yoga - which is executed in 120 degree heat and humidity. And I've never done a 90 minute class - shoot, the 60-minute ones were hard enough.
I have to tell you, Patrick gave me the whole spiel about how to lay down and miss a posture if you are feeling sick or dizzy, and how you need to bring a gallon of cold water, and wear next-to-nothing since you sweat so much, blah blah blah. It ended up being him sitting out some poses and dying in class. (tee hee hee).
This class was one of the most difficult and rewarding physical things I have ever attempted. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to do something wonderful for their body and mind. But be warned: you sweat an insane amount, get a voracious appetite afterwards and don't plan on doing anything afterwards because you will be knocked off your feet. "Namastay" :)
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