I have a dilemma. This has really, truly been bothering me for quite some time. Years really. It is possibly thee #1 reason why I decided to go on Myspace.com last spring.
See: Back when I was an Opera Major (oh how sweet: some of you didn't know that about me??? well, more on that some other time)... Anyway, back when I was fine-tuning my singing skills in college, one of my best friends there was a chap named Scott. Scott was a tenor singer. He was also one year ahead of me. And he was my buddy. See, back then I was much more into my 'mexican-ness'. There weren't many latinos first of all at my school to begin with (no, the very nice grounds-maintenance people don't count). And then also you have to realize that in the classical music department - it should go without saying that all the Fine Arts majors are smaller schools and you really get to know everyone and your faculty well. In any case: I was the only hispanic in the Voice School. All ...4...years. Hmmmm. Pretty sad when hispanics tend to be naturally gifted at music and love singing. Shoot: haven't my people heard of that famous spanish tenor: Placido Domingo??!
I'm getting off subject here. Back to Scotty. My point above was that I really stood out in my Music school. I was a mini-skirt wearing, skinny, Tijuana-red lipstick- wearing, spicey Hispanic OPERA singer for Pete's sake! I did not fit the mold of the typical classical voice student. That said: Elsa can sing. Elsa had been singing and playing piano all her life. Elsa already had years of experience in competitions and performing. Elsa won a scholarship. But, alas: Elsa stood out.
In comes Scott. Scott was a gentle-voiced, good-humoured, good-looking blond, blued-eyed young man from LA County. A little older than me. Totally different than the usual ethnic people I would hang out with. But he was so supportive. And accepting. He also thought I was beautiful on the inside and believed in my talent. And when other girls got catty about the way I dressed or my ethnicity, he stood up for me.
And when he wrote some music with his (if I remember correctly, brother-in-law) and needed a girl to record with him: he chose ME to come out and meet his family and do so (man, I wish I could find that tape somewhere).
Scotty was not only funny but a leader too. Once while carpooling with him and 2 other tenors to a competition and while stuck in Los Angeles gridlock he had to really go to the loo. I was in the passenger seat and pointed out that we were not going ANYWHERE, ANYTIME soon. After about 5 minutes he shouted gallantly, "Oh what the hell!" and jumped OUT of the car (did I mention he was the driver??). No, we were not moving, thankfully, but I mean: he JUMPED out of the car, zigzagging thru cars 2 lanes over to the left of the fast lane where some bushes were growing intertwined into the median. My dropped jaw turned from amazement to laughter as he pulled IT out and started whizzing. Right.. there. In front of EVERYONE stopped in traffic. Cars started honking and he waved the thumbs-up victory sign. Even more amazing was when the 2 other guys in the back seat said, "Ahhh shoot!!" and then proceeded to follow him and also take a leak.
Imagine me: left alone in the car, with the 3 other doors flung open, everyone honking and laughing.... it might sound innocent by today's crude standards of humour: but I have got to tell you the sight of the 3 of them there peeing in unison in the middle of the LA freeway was one of the funniest things I've ever seen!!
Alas, halfway through my junior year I decided to go to Mexico to study for 6 months. I wouldn't be returning until the Fall for my Senior year. I was disappointed that I would miss Scott's senior recital and graduation in June. But his plan was to return in the Fall for his Master's. So, although I was sad to depart, we had planned on seeing each other in the Fall.
So here is my dilemma. I lost contact with my dear, kind friend. Now one has to be over 30 I suppose to understand this is before email, Myspace, Classmates.com and cellphones. Keeping in touch wasn't quite as convenient as it now, my pretties. When I returned in the Fall I looked everywhere for Scott in the Music Department before someone informed me that he did not, indeed, get accepted into the Master's program.
And that was the last I ever heard.
I would SO love to reconnect with him. He still is one of the most genuine friends I've ever had and he never once hurt me or had a fight. I have done searches on his name but unfortunately I can't remember his exact age or how to spell his last name. This is what I have so far.
Scott Duncan or Dunkin??
Probably born 1971 or 70?
Pretty sure he was born and raised in LA (or Orange) County.
Was a Voice Major at UC Irvine (University of CA, at Irvine) graduating 1993.
He is probably about 5'10, slim. Not outrageously gorgeous but certainly above-average handsome.
Where in the World are you, Scotty Duncan????? :(
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