I know I am artistic and all. And that us "artist-types" have colorful and different perspectives at times than normal people. For example, I believe in homeopathic medicines and feng shui. I also believe in 'signs'. Not stop signs or billboards. But something - material or words - that is so dead-on in its meaning that I can't ignore it. For those of you who really know me, you've certainly heard me say at some time or another, "It's a Sign!"
Heck, I've even believed my whole life that God sends signs.
Anyhow, the other day I brought chinese takeout to Patrick who has been working 10 hour days. After our meal we each randomly reached for a fortune cookie. I don't even remember mine as I read it aloud. Then it was his turn. A huge grin covered his face as he sarcastically and dramatically read aloud, "Stop looking forever, happiness is sitting right beside you."
HELLO - I was sitting right beside him!!!!
Not even could he try to play it off that his trusty hound, Fred, was sitting on the other side of him on the couch. NOPE. It was ALL me. ONLY me. Only 'E'.
"Oh, Babe: It's a Sign!" I shouted gleefully throwing my arms around him.
*He hated that I was right but the lucky beggar knows it's True - heh heh heh*

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