I am a 34-year-old (gasp!! I can clean up well heh heh heh) native San Diegan born of Hispanic origen (mostly Mexican and some Basque). I am blessed to be part of not only a big immediate family but also a huge extended family where I've learned throughout the years that God and family are more important than any job or money. I am the youngest of 6 (but not a Daddy's girl or "la consentida" - we thankfully are treated equally in my family which is great since I've yet to meet a daddy's princess whose being spoiled has done an ounce of good for her or those around her as she grows up). As you can tell I have a lot to say. I am smart, independent, nurturing, reponsible, stubborn, proud, silly, witty, young, adventurous, outdoorsy, disciplined, imaginative, a light sleeper, pensive, observing, passionate, troubled and creative. I hate to accept help and would rather risk harm or pain than give up. I am mentally and emotionally a late bloomer in life due to an extremely sheltered and protected (at times, lovely and at others: stifling) childhood and teenage years.
Music is a God-given talent of mine. My siblings and I all inherited our music gene from our naturally-gifted singing mother. But I was the only one passionate and unconventional enough to pursue it professionally (more on that some other time). Since childhood I excelled in piano and singing and am deeply moved by lyrics, composers and intruments. Another love? Horses. Specifically the Arabian breed. My sister and I grew up sharing one and although I no longer ride or compete - I will forever be in awe of a horse's beauty and grace.
I have never been married and can't wait to write a blog on the subject, but I have been seeing since May 2006, an Irishman with merry eyes with whom I am emphatically and realistically in love with...
I hate to be asked what I do but since graduating college at UC Irvine back in 1994 I have been professionally working as an actress (stage and screen), a model and a singer. I will definitely write a blog on those experiences in time. Alas, as I am getting older I am losing the necessary drive for that insane and unhealthy livelihood and find myself actually contemplating a somewhat conventional life. (This is shocking for those who know me since I have NEVER wanted or pursued normality). I also have been teaching teens the past 6 years as a job to fall back on. Someday I will write an eye-opening blog about the CA public school system and the teens of today in Southern Cal.
A true "people person", I possess the genuine talent to be able to walk alone into a room or party, not knowing a soul, and being able to talk amicably to ANYONE. I think it's because I want people to know they can feel at ease and comfortable around me (even if they are shy or do not know me). One of my greatest pleasure in life is meeting foreigners from other countries. I am poor as heck but somehow have managed to travel to Europe, Mexico and South America. I admire those who speak more than 1 language and am proud of the self-taught spanish (my parents didn't teach us) and italian that I speak. Other favorite people to be around would be gay people or dancers. (Gays probably because I somehow relate to their not fitting the "normal" mold of society and dancers because I admire that profession so much and truly regret not contiuing ballet). I love hosting get-togethers and being a social butterfly at artistic events and parties around town (even though I rarely do any of the above anymore.) Nonetheless, I value and yearn for my privacy as well. I currently live alone with my cat and piano and have been known to become broodingly dark the last 6 years due to some of Life's experiences. It is those moments that I am most creative with writing or singing at the piano. But they are those moments that I truly suffer the most...
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