Sunday, February 18, 2007

45 Years of A Lot of Hard Work and Faith

Click on Slideshow!
Today we spent at my sister's house. It was my parents 45th wedding anniversary. 45 years - almost half a century! I am so proud of them: 6 kids and 8 grandchildren later; working through their own life issues and now the top leaders internationally of Retrouvaille - which helped them, along with their strong Faith, to save their own marraige. My siblings and I are very blessed to have such decent, hard-working, God-serving role models. We should all be so lucky. Felicadades! Con mucho carino de parte de su h'ija menor


Anonymous said...

Thanks for remembering to bring a camera. Wasn't that a lovely time?

And so special to be back in Sylvia and Tim's home. Thanks Sylvia and Tim for the magnificent dinner and Sara for that great cake!

Someday the grandkids will look at those pictures and remember how happy they all were, just to be together.

We thank our loving Father for all of you.
Those 45 years haven't all been easy, but looking at the fruit, we know they were God's good plan.

Love, Nana and Grandpa, Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Your link takes us to a web page explaining Hypertext Transfer Protocol. This is likely to explode Ceci's brain. Please correct and resend! -Gabo

Anonymous said...

Wait! I managed to see the pictures but my brain STILL exploded---what do I do now???!!!!
