Somehow Patrick let me sit on his couch (for what seemed an eternity) to watch the Oscars. He even watched some, little..very little, of it with me. He rolled his eyes at the pro-Democrat Hollywood elite, and, especially, when
Al Gore's documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth" won an Oscar. As usual, the Oscars were pretty political. But I LOVE that the above movie about global-warming won, although I knew it would simply because of Gore taking part in it. I also LOVED that there were 3 MEXICAN film-makers honored with Oscar nominations AND wins. For any of you who know Mexican cinema you would know that it unfortunately is in a sad state. It is TRULY remarkable that these men and their films all hailed from Mexico -
muchas felicidades, Senores! Of course I was amazed, if, even a little shocked, that American Idol alum:
Jennifer Hudson won Best Supporting Actress - holy cow! Now, I trumpeted in a December blog how wonderful a job she did in "Dreamgirls", but if you don't think Hollywood LOVED her story of this being her
first acting role and being booted off American Idol..well..
Cate Blanchett got my vote for best-dressed as well as ultra hunk:
George Clooney (who, I am realizing more and more each day that my handsome Irish beau has the same dark eyes, bushy eyebrows and salt and pepper hair..yummmy)!!
Congrats to all the nominee and winners!
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