Last night I watched the Grammy Music awards while sitting on the ground stretching and doing various Pilates and Yoga positions for 2 hours. Now, I haven't watched this awards show in years, but my beau Patrick set up my cable-less TV with some rabbit ears (antennae) so that I can now watch -albeit still fuzzy - American Idol - heh heh heh.
Back to the Grammys - I have mixed reviews. I was very interested in seeing The Police reunite and open the show - but did anyone else feel like it was good but nothing great? I thought the best performance was John Mayer, John Legend and Connie Rae - highlighting the fact that they are excellent singer/songwriters. They didn't rely on pyrotechnics, stage lighting or a load of sexually-suggestive choreographed dancers - it was just a simple, understated example of great musicianship. Bravo.
Ah, Justin Timberlake. Why did he get to perform twice? His song was interesting - and I have 3 questions: did anyone else think that he was NOT playing the piano? Did anyone else think that the song was written for Brittney? And lastly, does anyone else think that the "My Grammy Moment" where the public voted on a lucky gal to sing a duet with him - was worthless TV time? The winner wasn't even that good - and I noticed they lowered the volume on her microphone after her first few notes were sharp in pitch.
Beyonce - Lord, she is beautiful and can sing but 2 things: she needed a slip with that dress and that song from the "Dreamgirls" movie is borrrringgg (click on previous blog about all that).
Well, kudos to my Latina sister - Shakira. I don't like the song, "Hips Don't Lie" (MUCH prefer "La Tortura" with Alejandro Sanz) and her voice is unique at best, but she sure was groovy to watch. (Although I am starting to think that the world is going to think there is a major middle-eastern influence going on in Columbia with all that belly-dancing going on). Shouldn't she be showcasing some "Vallenato" dance moves??
Also: Cristina Aguilera - who evidently has a part Mexican 'nana' (grandmother) which makes her Mexican-American somehow. Right?? heh heh heh. In any case: that little chica can sing - and oversing really well. Her rendition of, "It's a Man's World" showed that it might be a man's world but a petite, peroxide blond young woman can sing about it - she was pretty heartfelt with her vocal theatrics and her dramatically grasping the microphone stand while down on her knees - "No te ensucies, Mi'ja!!" Whew!
I think I can probably stand to let a few years go by without seeing another Grammy show again. Congrats to all the nominees and winners :)
Shakira's father is Lebanese. Duh.
I actually knew that her father is AMERICAN-Lebanese. However, she doesn't sing about being Lebanese - she sings about Columbian pride - specifically "Baranquilla". And I wasn't putting her down... :)
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