True to our Mexican roots - we have many get-togethers, eat a lot, are loud, gregarious and fun to be around. And when something extra special comes up - engagements, births, graduations - the Araizas (my mom's maiden name) sure know how to throw a great shindig!
In this case, one of my 19 Araiza first-cousins: Jacob got married last weekend to his long-time novia: Rosa. A wedding is always a blessed and huge celebration with much happiness - and this was no exception. Oddly enough, for a hispanic family, with major role models of the love and importance of 'familia' and having children - 11 of us (me included) have not yet taken the plunge to get hitched. Therefore, the 8 weddings we have had the last 2 decades (starting with my oldest sister Cecilia) have been far between.
Thus, one can imagine that when we do have one - it's hailed as the 'Wedding of the Year'! It feels like we've all been waiting and emailing and making travel plans for ages! Being Northern California residents for some years now, the couple decided to have the wedding take place in San Francisco. Most of the 150 guests were either our southern Cal family or Rosa's also large family. Thus everyone essentially made a vacation trip out of it.
No complaints there - who doesn't want to go to San Fran in the summertime??! It was a real blast with a lot of the family staying at the same hotel in Union Square - thus starting the celebration days early by dining together and hitting the hip hotel bar's Happy Hour.
As for the wedding, itself - we all know Jake enough to know that his Cal Berkeley education and liberal upbringing would call for a somewhat, ahem, unconventional ceremony. I loved it! Taking place amongst the tall redwood trees of Stern Grove near Golden Gate Park, the ceremony was full of nature, spirituality, and ethnic origins as the bilingual and uber-cool officiant dressed in white linen traditional ethnic dress first greeted all the guests asking us all to take a bead and hold it in our left hand for good blessings and love throughout the ceremony, until the end when we placed them all back in front in a basket for the newlyweds.
Of course, being San Fran and in the midst of the very tall trees blocking out the little sun there was, it was quite chilly, thus as soon as the ceremony ended - we all (very uncharacteristically for such a Catholic family, might I add? hahahah) rushed the open bar and started sipping on wonderful rum, wine and sangria to take the edge off. Pictures followed - Patrick took some of the Aunts and Uncles and then of us cousins - everyone was in ridiculously great spirits and by the time the heat lamps were turned on and the yummy latin food was laid out - the noise level was as high as the alcohol buzz most of us were feeling!
There is so much I can write about. I shall try to sum up the highlights: great dancing music provided by DJ David (my cousin Maddy's husband); the 'loteria' table cards that told us where we were sitting were amazingly hand-drawn by Rosa's sister; the gorgeous, multi-colored and multi-textured flowers were painstakingly and generously done by cousin Maddi (employing her old job's skills); great speeches were toasted to; Cousin Paul (freshly returned from his 2-month sojourn to Europe) was actually able to pull off wearing blindingly-white dress shoes; Rosa's tiny 94 year-old grandmother was drinking wine both at the wedding and the previous evening at 11pm in the hotel bar with everyone!!
It was such a great time - and one last word - as I informed Patrick, "All celebrations in our family are such blessings, but especially my cousins that were close to me in age (Jacob, Maddi, Noey, me, sister Sara and Jude) because they we were not only close in age, but also some of our best friends growing up: attending camp and the beach together, play time at each other's houses, going to TJ when we got older - shoot: my cousins were the only ones my mom let us spend the night at!"
Therefore, an extra special abrazo of happiness to my younger cousin Jacob - who, being the youngest of our troop, was forced to eat dirt, dress up as a girl, follow Maddy around on all fours as her dog, make lemonade stands with us, play church with us (we'd put uncooked popcorn kernals in his squished-up wonderbread and make him eat it for 'communion') and seeing him always play with his dinosaurs and Transformers - I am mighty proud of the tall, handsome, gentle, and socially-aware young man he has grown into. I am so happy for him and Rosa - Que Dios los Bendiga!!!
Click below and watch the slideshow!!
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Jakeweddin |
Oh, Elsa, I think I'm going to cry again! Thank you for the heartfelt comments. They are like a precious jewel added to the beads that my son and his bride will cherish a bit more with each passing year. Viva los Araizas!
~Aunt Nora
Great photos, Mal. One thing we can say about the Araiza's is that they sure clean up good. Thanks to Rosa and Jacob for giving us a chance to shine. And for pete's sake, Elsa -- I am 10 years older than you so I think I can safely say that I've been wearing RED for longer!
Only my sister Elsa can get away with quotes like "...channeling ME!" (with eyes rolling, - Brotha G)
I loved every encounter I had with each of you. Great trip, and look forward to
ther next ...
Elsa: Great pictures!
Uncle Alex
Thanks for the memories, Elsa! It took a lot of work even though I'm sure you enjoyed every minute. It truly was a magical wedding and you captured it perfectly. We feel very grateful to God to have been there for Jacob and Rosa.
Love, Mom and Dad
Hello, dear Family!
As you can imagine, David and I have spent the past
few days "decompressing" after all the hubbub
surrounding Jacob and Rosa's wedding. Now, I've just
finished looking at the photos that Elsa posted (dear
Elsa!) and am struck again by our remarkable good
fortune. I believe that we are the inheritors of many
years-worth of excellent karma set in motion, perhaps,
by Grandma and Grandpa . . . or maybe it's all just
part of God's cosmic plan since time immemorial.
Whatever the reason, I pick up the morning paper each
day, and am reminded to be humbly grateful for our
beautiful family. That each of you came all this way
is just incredible (Miami! Oklahoma! La Mesa!).
That everyone made it home safely is an answered
prayer. And that our Jacob and his Rosa have been
given a proper, all-out Araiza start to their lives
together is a priceless gift. Thank you, and one more
"abrazo" from
~Nora and David
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