In any case, the morning after Jake and Rosa's wedding in San Fran 2 weeks ago, Patrick and I had the luxury of strolling about town, taking in the sights and stopping by the Chinese restaurant, Sam Wo, in China Town.Truly a hole-in-the-wall you actually enter through the kitchen and head upstairs to a few run down tables and booths. It ain't pretty but it's fascinating. One single waitress, a middle-aged Chinese woman literally exploded with energy back and forth, up and down, even working an old-fashioned pulley that the kitchen staff used to hoist up the food on a tray so she wouldn't have to go downstairs. The restaurant is an old haunt and favorite of Patrick's parents (who met in San Francisco). He even remembers them going often when he was a little boy. Evidently there was even a now deceased infamous waiter who was extrememly grouchy and awful to the customers - it is said his 'rudeness was legendary'. The food is also great and remarkably cheap. A definite treasure.
After that bit we took the very efficient Bart underground where I emerged into the gay Castro District. Whew hew - E loves the gay part of town - wherever I might be! After window shopping and enjoying myself watching P being checked out, we eventually met up with Dick - his 2nd cousin on his paternal side.
Thus ensued a most lovely afternoon spent in the gracious and intelligent company of this old gent - they hadn't seen each other in about 8 years. Dick is extremely well-read and intelligent, getting old (in his 80s I believe) but his mind and memory are as spry as ever. He is essentially a walking encyclopedia. His house was quaint and full of character - with a fridge from the 1950s, artwork and absolutely congested with books (his passion) that were alphabetized and categorized according to subject matter.
As we got a tour of the house Dick would have stories about the Merritt family and Patrick as a teen, as well as P's father. At one point he pulled out an old family photo which I tried to take a picture of as you can see. Dick is but a boy in the photo - it was a family-party and he told stories of that day - how the African American maid was sneaking yellow colored, tulip-shaped ice cream to the kids, etc.
As we ohh'd and ahh'd over the picture and listened to the stories, both P and I squinted at the same time at the top right image of his grandfather - looking just like his Dad over in Ireland!! We were amazed at the likeness in expression and heavy eyebrows. Very cool...
We really had such a wonderful time. Dick is so polite, well-spoken and interesting with a sense of humour as well (he and Patrick do not see eye-to-eye when it comes to politics especially). hahaha.
It is times like the afternoon we spent that I really get inspired to interview and get the history and family tree down from the elders in the family. Especially the wonderful stories - when Dick is gone, so much will be lost within that great memory of his. It was as Patrick smiled and complimented him as we left, "You're a dying breed, Dick.."

1 comment:
oh my gosh Elsa, the picture of you in San Francisco alone dated August 18th looks just like Ilysah!!! -
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